明光社搞 "一人一信反性傾向歧視法"
據明報(2月16日)報導, 民政局委任一個獨立諮詢小組,就即將進行有關市民對同性戀者看法的電話意見調查所設計的問卷,提供意見。
i think it is better to paste their letter here, much to be discussed, like the abuse of the word "discrimination".
wonder if there is any counter action by the sexual minority groups on this...
一係收聲 一係收工?
沉默不是開明 發言衛護公平
-- 阿藹 於 February 18, 2005 12:16 AM (按此看回應全文)
好似明光社咁, 鼓勵下大家表達意見, 咁社會先至可以有更熱烈o既討論。
結果唔係問題, 最重要反而係討論o既過程。
-- fred 於 February 18, 2005 12:32 AM (按此看回應全文)
在他們而言,他們有的是一整個教會的 back up,不論在資源與言論上都得到很大的支援與支持。反觀作為發言渠道一向淺窄的性小眾,我們就只好自己死籌爛籌幾位不怕別人「把你當正常」的目光的好同志/同袍/同工…,才可以有一少點「力水」發一小點「聲」。
作為性小眾的我們當然很希望又可以成功地攪一個「一人一信支持立法」的全地同志平權運動。然而圈內的人總是對 come out 或相關的可疑消息異常敏感,要不就是只愛躲在衣櫃安身立命保養自身的「安全」而拒絕「攪事」。試問我們還應該做些什麼才能算是一個回應呢?
-- 睿貽 於 February 18, 2005 06:17 AM (按此看回應全文)
同意無法與明光社討論, 但
我亦同意無法跟他們討論, 但難道就讓他們這樣地代表真理下去嗎? 看看美國的右翼(其實真的不應該常把美國變成我們的reference...), 它們的坐大與明光社這類以宗教語言來動員社會的做法有密切關係. 所以我覺得反擊明光社不單是性少數團體的重要議題, 亦是相信多元, 差異, 保障弱勢多數的人要聯合起來做的事情.
-- 阿藹 於 February 18, 2005 11:30 AM (按此看回應全文)
no way to deal with them...
i don't remember how many times i read the same letter. same arguments since i first read it almost years ago... every time, there is any legislation proposal, or anything about equal opportunities on the ground of sexual orientations, they will "come out" and use the the same letter, the same arguments.
yet, they have a lot of networks. and they do have influence.
i met them twice in person. they are those who are so hard to talk to. every single thing is a moral judgement. and according to the bible...
they will never think of reading the bible differently, or within the historical context back then.
if we have to "follow" the bible, then women have to cover their heads and to serve men only. the fact that it was written in bible to forbid homosexual acts (not really homosexuality) was because they wanted more man power at that time. and homosexual acts were a waste of energy in this sense. yes reducing sexual acts to reproduction...
only if we understand the bible back in the context that we really understand it.
ming kwok group is so hard to deal with. i have no tactics for them. only to do something else in some other places. you can't change them.
really hard. if you have ever seen them in person talking and pointing at you saying homosexuality is a crime, then you will know there is no way to change them....
let's work in other aspects, there are a lot of other things we can do.
things will change and things have changed a lot ever since the late 80's. it is good sign, though slow.
-- ahsun 於 February 18, 2005 12:26 PM (按此看回應全文)
我唔係支持同性戀, 只係支持他們的合理權利.
同明光社好難有計傾喎. 佢反反歧視嘛, 即係擺明要歧視人啦, 仲話你受邪靈影響, 同呢亭人你可以說什麼.
話說回來, 有朝一日, 如果同志大晒, 要搞串人地教會聚會又唔好.
-- 錢恨少 於 February 18, 2005 12:33 PM (按此看回應全文)
-- 睿貽 於 February 18, 2005 02:39 PM (按此看回應全文)
firstly, i state that i am not a christian nor gay. but if my logic, to be illustrated below is right, i think there should be no problem of gay christian.
做基督徒就唔可以唔跟聖經教訓, (我唔知聖經點説, 但如果真係唔准做同志) 咁只可唔做同性戀行為.
如果想做同志, 為什麼要信一個唔接受你的神.
又打個不恰當比喻, 點可以又做妓女又要牌坊?
-- 錢恨少 於 February 18, 2005 03:34 PM (按此看回應全文)
若以道德問題為由,實在沒說服力,若對方硬要說因為聖經say no所以就是no,那根本就沒有討論的餘地,唔洗傾。
-- ab-the-norm 於 February 18, 2005 06:07 PM (按此看回應全文)
-- Stargazer 於 February 18, 2005 06:32 PM (按此看回應全文)
stargazer題目之"近乎公義的歧視", 是小弟自陳日君主教口中親耳聽到的~
說此話時, 陳主教謂: 如果一間中學之老師, 被發現是"同志", 而校方將其炒尤, 是近乎公義的歧視. 如屋主發現租其單位者為"同志", 而屋主拒絕租屋予此人, 是近乎公義的歧視.
唉~ 這就是主教心目中的公義乎?
-- will 於 February 18, 2005 06:40 PM (按此看回應全文)
把公義這些universal value放在壓迫異己之中, 真是很恐怖, 歷史上很多慘劇都是這讓造成的...
-- 阿藹 於 February 18, 2005 06:45 PM (按此看回應全文)
-- will 於 February 18, 2005 06:47 PM (按此看回應全文)
May I?
Ah Oi, may I add you to my contact list as well (in ICQ)?
Anyway, I need to do that later, as ICQ2go doesn't work lately. Thanks for your reply in advance!
-- Frostig 於 February 18, 2005 10:16 PM (按此看回應全文)
free to add me in icq, but i don't login so often.
-- 阿藹 於 February 18, 2005 11:08 PM (按此看回應全文)
I think 'law' is useless in changing people's mind...
Education is the way to counter discrimination.
Even if you pass the law, people can 'make up' 'reasons' (or excuses) not to employ the 'supposed to be protected' people, or not to rent the flat to them.
Let's just say, you can't find two identical people in the world, right? If there are more than one applicant for the same job, then the employer finds out that one of them is HIV +ve(which relates to 殘疾歧視條例 in HK), (s)he can say anything to hire the other one, e.g. (s)he can say the education background is concerned even if the person who carries HIV is graduated from Cambridge, while the other one is from BU (don't mean to say that BU is not a good university, don't misunderstand, just an example).
Also, what's the reason of hiring a male, but not a female if they have similar background and level of experience? They can point out anything not to give a certain kind of people 'equal opportunity'.
It is not exactly what you guys are talking about here, I know, just a bit of my feeling.
Well, for instance, I would not mind homosexual couples having the right to apply for public housing, the right of inheritance, etc. However, as how it is being done in many countries, the legal confirmation of the relationships between two same gender persons should not be called 'marriage', but 'registered partners' (in case the term is not correct, please correct me). I don't discriminate them, just to bear in mind that 'marriage involves a male and a female' (male(s) & female(s) in different cases) by how it is defined. If you apply the 'name' marriage to this kind of 'weddings', it is reasonable to feel uncomfortable with same sex marriage for a lot of people.
But the worries of this organisation do not seem to be totally 多餘﹐but it shows that they don't know how most countries work for anti-discrimination.
In fact, to eliminate (or at least reduce) a certain type of discrimination, many governments do impose a discrimination in opposite as a balance. For example, HK government is also doing this (forgot the name of this kind of practices, sorry!). When they hire people, they state at the end that if all criteria fit, the handicapped would be given priority. However, we can't really say this is 'discrimination', because they do that just to balance the fact (not admitted by law, though, as the handicapped should have been protected by law from discrimination already) that other (or many other) employers gives a higher priority to people without serious (or obvious, in different cases, again) disabilities.
For their 'objection', I can only see that they are kind of ignorant about this mechanism, or they are trying to use the ignorance of this mechanism of the public to fulfill their aim (stop this law to be passed).
Actually, I think that the government has been too controlled by the big businesses. I have heard people from EOC (who worked in publicity and education section) admitted that why 'gender discrimination' was not protected was because of the pressures from many big companies. For example, one very big bank in HK has imposed a much lower retirement age for female, which in in fact a very obvious discrimination. And EOC could not establish such a law because of the influences of these BIG BIG companies. I think, passing such laws are really a lot more for politics than really to protect the people involved. I really think education is better than setting up laws as they re more useful. But of course, having such protections by laws are better than not having la!
-- Frostig 於 February 18, 2005 11:23 PM (按此看回應全文)
-- 肥力 於 February 19, 2005 12:39 AM (按此看回應全文)
雖然這對明光社而言可能是大災難,但若回望基督教已經作出了的妥協 (如避孕、墮胎、離婚、再婚),同志婚姻亦不過是多添一項,兼且,若兩人相處愉快,基督朋友們是否該為他們帶來更多的愛與幸福 (甚或因而少了個孤兒) 而祈禱祝福呢?
-- 阿丙 阿丙 於 February 19, 2005 01:04 AM (按此看回應全文)
Psychoanalyically speaking,好棘手!
後來讀到Althusser的意識型態論,如夢初醒:意識型態不是虛假意識,而是人的自我的基本存在構成條件!To be or not to be,怪不得偏見在某些人身上可以那麼牢不可破,因為這些偏見可能正是這些人的自我的存在基本命脈!
Psychoanalyically speaking,好棘手!
-- 小西 於 February 19, 2005 01:35 AM (按此看回應全文)
to 錢恨少
我們真的要相信一本由無數只為捍衛個人利益而書成的一本 so called 聖經嗎?
既然那些宗教人士可以單憑自己的感受就為神的話語而自編解釋,那麼同性戀雙性戀等性少眾為何不可編一本 pro 性少眾的聖經 with 一個 pro 性少眾的教會?
to Frostig
而再說性少眾的生活空間而言,圈內人常常要因為家庭、職業等等原因而隱藏自己的身份,躲在衣櫃裡獨自看管著一個怕不能為人所接受的秘密。可是,我們不會知道在所謂正常的人當中,有多少是天生只向異性發情的,而成為異性戀者。這不是懷疑這個 scale會錯誤把人歸類,而是這種盲目灌輸的概念的確會限制了一個人對自我認識的可能性。
所以我們不會知道如果在我們由小到大的教育中,要是加入了認識性別、性傾向等課題後,我們是否會有一個更好的 scale去把自己歸類,從而成為一個了解自己性別角色、性傾向的人。
-- 睿貽 於 February 19, 2005 02:26 AM (按此看回應全文)
小西, Psychoanalyically speaking... mmmm....
be it the movement in itself, the "misunderstanding", the phobia, or even the debates here, or even for ming kong group, what hurt us/them/all most (we are part of it) are the 執著 one's has. please let me explain this. it is not about we have to give up some principles. but the systems of thoughts we have been into that composed our own subjectives.
肥力 is very right, ming kong group has its own difficult situation. in a way what he said about 死守戰, is the notion and bloody awful 執著. ming kwok group has also its limitations and the problems by fighting "till" the end. what i want to raise is by understanding theirs, we also realize ours. this is the most important. it is not a matter of going against and there is no way to do so. political advancement cannot be put in the notion of going against (yet not going against doesn't mean we have to agree, it is NOT about how people say we have to "put down" the burden of June 4th things like that...) as when you are sick, you don't fight it, you accept it and deal with it.
i will say we (we are part of the problem), or the rationale behind a movement, any ideology (no matter how complicated it is being pertinent and interwoven with institutions), have too much 執著. and this is what hurt us most. 執著 is the worst negative energy for human being. as what i wrote Frostig in the end i really hope she can give up the idea of normality, as the repetition in her language accents so much that 執著, so it is not a matter of language, or even the idea of normality after all... it is "Psychoanalyically speaking...".
執著 is a difficult notion to deal with as it takes us so much effort to reflect upon ourselves and to deal with it. after all these years, i really think reflecting upon ourselves is prior to that of a movement. this is why i have been so mute in the last 4-5 years. 執著, we LIVE by it, we LIVE on it. so the only way is to realize it and unlearn it. and to change by admitting we are wrong (this is the hardest part. and to destroy part of ourselves and subjectivities). i always make a joke to myself -- until the day ming kong group would realize they are wrong, they will not be the same group already, as they are not the same persons, or some other turn zen and buddhism?haha...
執著... it is as if we have to live on these 執著 in order to build, keep, organize, render one's own subjectivity, or the very meanings of presence almost as if if these things are destroyed, we/group/movement/or ideology can no longer go on...
but what makes us really "go on?" we are not always right. that's why we have to give up more our 執著. and instead of learning, i try to unlearn. and i am still learning... learning to unlearned what we have learned by the idea of unlearning that needs to be unlearned somehow.
actually, i didn't write comments publicly for a long time. i stopped because i think i am not always right and i was wrong in many ways. but recently, i started to write again but about the thinking behind, not only on the arguments themselves. from the language i did, i started to realize my own changes and how i evolve because of other people's views.
i move away from Christianity to zen. and i believe zen helps movement more, that may be contradict to what people "normally" think.
talked to an-the-norm a lot last night and s/he said i wrote not good enough and people don't get my point. s/he is right so i am trying to write more.
from ming kong group and tung zhi movement, let me explain a little but more my experience, if not augment and stance.
not to go against but to understand is -- realizing and understanding those who come out and point at your head and said you were a crime and you need forgiveness and to repent as if they have all-mighty power over you (anyone has face to face with ming kong group before pls share your experience), i realize how sad it is to be in such 執著, as if it is the only way they can form their subjectivites -- meanings of being, if there is any meanings of life; and their inter-subjectivies -- how and what they could relate to the world and one another, can only make sense based on these 執著, it is so very sad. then i realize i should unlearn our own 執著 so to learn.
this is how i try to rework for movement now, not in political correctness ( i gave it up even when i was still working in the movement 10 years ago already... this is the worst thing... like the hk tung zhi film/video festival...), not mere coming out, but giving information and promoting this thinking...
an example of my experience of 執著. i used to hate ming kong group a lot. i was so angry at them if you understand how destructive they can be to cancel out all your effort in a movement. also, i used to hate the term "tung zhi" as i thought it was (and still is but having a different attitude) so exclusive. and one of the basic idea of queer sisters when i first started it was to deconstruct tung zhi. it worked and it didn't work. it progressed in way and yet stopped some other things. but i was too 執著 about this term that hurt me a lot i always got angry (this is very bad for mental health in a long run) and i couldn't give up these stance as they were so much part of me, i even wrote an entire chapter on tung zhi discourse in my m.phil thesis.
then i realize one day (around last year), i should stop to hate the term, nor happily embrace it without questioning, , nor to give it up. just let it be there, observe it, and understand it and see its limitations. now tung zhi as an sexual ID, is being used and being talked about, is a reflection on the entire discourse of sexuality in hk. that is to say, by observing how people using them (yet not hate it), we can see how things are here, though still problematic. but i am not to go against it. i just try to understand it and its limitation, then to also realize my own limitations. in the end, the conclusions i could make on the problematic in tung zhi discourse may not differ much, but i change. and what matters is the process of realization. if people change, things changed, if ways of thinking changes, things will really change. if things change and yet people don't, it is not really changes.
somehow regarding legislations on same sex marriage if people don't change, say the idea of normality, it will work and will not work somehow. yet, of course it is essential to have legal protection, as it is the bottom line of equal opportunities. 睿貽 is right, it is the basics... (though i always hope it is a domestic partnership. that is anyone regardless of sex can form a family and having the same right as others in a conventional kinship system. that is if you are a couple of different sex (pls note we don't have to name people homosexual or heterosexual sometimes, it is not necessary sometimes, ID is just a tactic), they have a choice to go for domestic partnership but not marriage... anyways... this is also how i think bisexuality is still being neglected in the hetero vs homo discourse or the homosexuality based tung zhi discourse. but anyways... it does not matter, it is not the most important).
oh yeah.. being too long winded...
Psychoanalyically speaking... this is the key, 小西.
ab-the-norm, thanks for the long talk. yes, if i want to try to promote this thinking, and in such a platform (inmedia)... mmmm. in a way it is vital for me to decide to write like this in such a platform about political movement, i should pay more effort and make it clear.
oh... i spent too much time writing. got to go to work :-) raining heavily these days in valencia... :-) good day for you in hong kong. it is so nice that by inmedia, i keep so much close contact with hk. i am so grateful and happy, thanksssss all inmedia people...
-- ahsun 於 February 19, 2005 04:10 AM (按此看回應全文)
EOB and EOC, more info
Frostig, from your writing, seems like you are not sure of what are the EOB and the relations with EOC. please let me explain it.
you mentioned, "Actually, I think that the government has been too controlled by the big businesses. I have heard people from EOC (who worked in publicity and education section) admitted that why 'gender discrimination' was not protected was because of the pressures from many big companies. For example, one very big bank in HK has imposed a much lower retirement age for female, which in in fact a very obvious discrimination. And EOC could not establish such a law because of the influences of these BIG BIG companies. I think, passing such laws are really a lot more for politics than really to protect the people involved. I really think education is better than setting up laws as they re more useful. But of course, having such protections by laws are better than not having la!"
EOB was firstly raised in 1994-5 by anna wu when she was in the legislative counil in the first place. later luk kung wai and lau chee shek worked on it. at that time the proposed equal opportunities bill had different sessions -- family responsibility, gender, physically challenged, race and sexual orientation.
yet, race and sexual orientation were NOT passed at that time.
so actually, there is a EOB, or law on gender. EOC is an independent govt commission that deal with complaints and cases, they don't MAKE laws, legislative council does. and EOC can only work according to law. that's why it is hard for them to deal with complaints of cases related to race and sexual orientation as there is no "law". or the EOB doesn't include these issues. so, they can only do negotiation, not able to make a law case. and if you remember, anna wu did make a law case with govt education system years ago about girls and boys had a separate line for secondary school. and they won. what they based on that that time legally is the EOB on equal opportunities on gender.
now after 10 years time, they started to talk about race and sexual orientation again for EOB. as at that time, they use "timing" to delay it. they said people were NOT YET ready for it. so, 10 years after, are we ready???
this is the story...
we do have legislation protecting discrimination on the ground of gender (this is their wording). yet as you said, law is NOT everything, it takes a lot of other things. YET it is THE MOST BASIC.
one more information. as the government used timing as an excuses back then, we argued and suggested let's do education. so, there is fund developed and organized by the home affairs bureau for promoting ideas of equal opportunities on the ground of sexual orientations. they haev yearly application on projects for "educational" propose. a lot of tung zhi groups and some projects lived on this funding. this is at least the very little thing we got after pushing them so hard 10 years ago. actually, very few asian govt will sponsor any activities on promoting EO on sexual orientations... hk is an unique city.
-- ahsun 於 February 19, 2005 04:59 AM (按此看回應全文)
深感執著的壞處, 但是在回應明光社之流, 可以有甚麼策略?
有人提意一人一信行動, 我處於兩難之中. 因為覺得唔想同佢地一般見識, 煩死魚手指先生(小弟作給民政事務局余志穩先生Mr. Fisher的暱稱); 兼覺得一人一信浪費掉太多紙張. 另一方面, 又覺得有回應的需要, 唔可以由得佢地唔理; 亦想更多人可以參予回應.
一直都想試一些"溫和有趣"的行動, 可是都不能引起多大的關注如聯同長毛的"我愛我的情人"行動, 最終, 即使有長毛, 也只有3份報章小小篇幅的報導. 可能創意還是未夠.....
有想, 明光社之流有一問題, 就是含糊其辭及所持原因混淆. 例如指出"肛交"的可能壞處, 指為"同性戀"的壞處, 再繼而認為不應鼓吹"同性戀". 中間的邏輯因果關係, 我只可以說, 全錯!!!
我想, 就是次明光社一人一信事件的回應, 可能會在於指出她們的荒謬言辭. 立場方面, 我覺得不用理她們, 不用執著地要改變她們的立場, 對嗎? 只是, 要指出其不對, 以減輕對其他對性傾向平權議題認識不深的人.
另, anson, nice to meet you here~~
-- will 於 February 19, 2005 01:41 PM (按此看回應全文)
我不知道in-media的讀者(好像是每天有約六百人次?),內裏有多少其實對不同性向存有恐懼、忌諱。但我很appreciate Forstig(除了明光社這種立場鮮明的機構,一般公開討論中已甚少有人會用「不正常」或病態這類字眼)和小狼(小狼說雖然理性層面很明白,但心理上總有些uneasy)的坦誠,因為在這個大家都對PCness很conscious的年代,更多人慣常隱藏自己的成見,無論是理性的還是非理性的。經過這兩天,我也相信來這裏的讀者,都是願意作善意溝通的,否則不會花時間心機去讀這些很長的文。
承著小西「Psychoanalyically speaking」這個題,我想拆解問題應從如何替文化解咒的方向去想。即如何作為一個文化的psychotherapist,這也是Lacan的理論何以對文化研究顯見重要。
-- ab-the-norm 於 February 19, 2005 03:51 PM (按此看回應全文)
: p
-- 小西 於 February 19, 2005 11:09 PM (按此看回應全文)