

為了賺點生活費, 到某國際性的非政府組織做媒體顧問, 其實更像公關, 做了一個月, 寫了一個簡短的報告, 裡面的一些東西與 Dan Gillmor 的想法不謀而合.

當媒體已去中心化, 公關的策略已經不能單向地 hard sale, 尤其是資源來自公眾的非政府組織, 它們受到的衝擊和民間媒體的監察最大, 所以傳統請記者出來吃吃飯, 聊聊天已不中用, 你請得我吃飯, 封得往我一個人把口, 仲有千千萬萬把口.

傳統的新聞稿, 用字論點精譬, 儘量引導你看到它希望你看的, 其實這種做法, 對一般的記者已經無用, 他們之所以還用, 更多是因為隋懶, 無米落鑊, 要填版位等, 所以在香港, 一個好的公關, 更重要是選好日子. 星期日無新聞, 最好搞 pr 活動. 但民間媒體則沒有這些考慮, 民間記者它要尋找事件對自己的意義, 想知道別的人看法, 單向的溝通, 並不能做到這一點.

早前已經介紹過迪士尼利用 blog來做公關, 當迪士尼進入網絡世界, 它一改 theme park 的管理手法, 在 theme park, 你只能看到迪士尼希望你看的美好東西, 但在它的 blog 卻會有很多八卦新聞, 而自爆八卦新聞比起別人爆你的容易控制, 結果自爆醜聞反而引來大批讀者討論, 好奇心驅使他們買能多產品.

我的報告中建議該組織搞 blog, 不過先在只有一些個人的, 而且也顯得拘謹. 組織的文化不是一朝一日可以改的, 我也不敢內爆, 搏炒咩 !


When I was a columnist for the San Jose Mercury News, I had a "Dear
PR People" web page. I said - and I wasn't being facetious - that I
appreciated how difficult PR jobs could be, particularly when dealing
with demanding folks like journalists.

The page offered a variety of advice, much of which was the standard
stuff such as "Please don't call me to tell me you're sending a press
release, and then call me to tell me you've sent me the press release."
The letter went on at considerable length, with many specific
suggestions of what to do and not to do.

I had a narrower focus then, and was talking about a traditional
relationship. Now, traditional methods must give way to different kinds
of conversations.

In a world of blogs, podcasts, video mash-ups, interactive maps, and
so much more, the nature of corporate communications must change from
top-down control to multi-directional openness - from lecture to
conversation. If all that is daunting, however, keep in mind that the
new options are available to the newsmakers and the PR people advising
them, not just the bloggers...
