
phyang: 人民力量的勝利--1皇后廣場紀實

phyang: 人民力量的勝利--1皇后廣場紀實

人民力量的勝利 - 7.1皇后廣場紀實
Victory of People's Power
Preserving Queen's Pier In-situ
1 July 2007 (Sunday) | 6 - 10 pm
Queen's Pier, Central, Hong Kong

Defend the Queen

Loy of "Local Action", the activist group fighting for the preservation of the Queen's Pier in-situ, sits on top of Queen's Pier vowing to defend the Pier.

1 July 2007

At 6 pm, I happened to pass by the old Star Ferry pier in Central after the annual July 1 Rally. It is sad to see that the historical Star Ferry Clock Tower had been demolished by Government who is deemed disrespectful of the culture, the history and the collective memory of the people of Hong Kong. Now, the Star Ferry Clock Tower is gone forever.

Then I noticed something extraordinary was happening at Queen's Pier nearby.

This Photo Essay is dedicated to the courageous and culture-sensitive young men and women known as "Local Action" who are serving the people of Hong Kong selflessly and tirelessly.

They had been camping out at Queen's Pier, rain or shine, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, since 25 April 2007 fighting against hugh odds to preserve the historical Queen's Pier in-situ and to keep it as a public space open to all.

Please visit them at Queen's Pier and give them your support and donation generously.

It also serves to document what happened that magical eveining.

The same Photo Essay is on display at Queen's Pier on the east side of the wall next to the four vertical banners with the Pier's sign in green.

Like the July 1 Rally, this is another up-lifting story of the victory of People's Power in Hong Kong!

下午6 時 政府一意孤行拆卸天星碼頭,被指不尊重文化、歷史與集體記憶。如今天星鐘樓已一去不復回。一九五三 年興建的皇后碼頭,古物諮詢委員會亦已評定為一級歷史建築。四百名文化界人士聯署要求原址保留皇后 碼頭,「本土行動」進行保衛皇后碼頭運動。支持基層運動的甘若望神父亦到場支援。

下午7 時 警方以觀賞煙花及慶祝回歸的市民人多的安全為藉口,進駐大批警員及民安隊員,重重設限,圖對爭取原 地保留碼頭的和平集會強行清場,雙方爭持不下。大批記者風聞而至。無奈的市民在碼頭拍照留念,以保 存歷史文化的記憶。

下午8 時 維多利亞港兩岸開始「幻彩詠香江 」表演 ,繽紛的燈光、激光、煙花及音樂,令維港夜景更加璀璨耀 目 。盛大的慶祝回歸海港煙花匯演緊接其後。「本土行動」成員堅持抗爭。

下午9 時 經歷兩、三小時對峙,警方終於放棄清場行動,「本土行動」成員與在場市民,奏起音樂,慶祝 人民力量抗爭勝利。

Dire Precedence
The Star Ferry Clock Tower has been demolished by Government who is deemed disrespectful of the culture, history and the collective memory of the people of Hong Kong. Now, the Star Ferry Clock Tower is gone forever.

Joint Petition
The Queen's Pier, constructed in 1953, was named a first-grade heritage by the Antiquities Advisory Board. A petition to preserve Queen's Pier in-situ was signed by 400 people in the arts and culture arena.

Police Deployed
Using the excuse of concerns for the safety of the public viewing fireworks, a large number of police and Civil Services Aids troops were deployed with barricades, in an attempt to clear the peaceful protesters by force.

Grass-root Support
"Local Action", a group of activists has been guarding the Pier since 25 April 2007. Father Franco Mella, a staunch supporter of grass-root movements lends his support.

Civil Aid
A large number of Civil Services Aids troops were deployed to assist the police in an attempt to clear the peaceful protesters by force.

Appeal for Support
Bobo of "Local Action" appeals to the people for support to preserve Queen's Pier.

Press Presence
Reporters from newspapers and TV stations heard the rumour and arrived in droves.

Photo Memory
Locals and tourists came to take pictures to have a record of the historical site for their memory.

After confrontation for 2-3 hours, the police withdrew from its attempted clearing. "Local Action" group celebrates with the people visiting Queen's Pier with dancing and music.

People's Power
This is a Victory for People's Power!

Photo Essay
This Photo Essay is also on display at Queen's Pier.