



一直沒有時間拍照上載,謝謝Daisy 從歐洲帶回來送我的禮物,首先有德國Tanztheater Wuppertal 的舞季小冊子,德文與英語對照,圖文並茂,裏面有因紀念Pina Bausch 而來的演出資料,雖然我沒能看到這些作品,但永遠神秘魅幻的Pina 值得收藏,我把它放在Pina 的書冊旁,一個美麗的角落!另外,Daisy 送我花鳥杯墊,顏色和圖樣古雅艷麗,捨不得用來放杯子,決定將它變成牆壁的裝飾,像畫,便很好看了!

對香港文化生態很憤世嫉俗的這些日子,這裏重溫Pina 生前說過的話語片段,將偏差的情緒拉回起點,忘記愚昧,遠離功利,重新出發:

“I love to dance because I was scared to speak. When I am moving, I could feel (2000).” 書寫也是,與其跟庸愚的人浪費唇舌,不如跟智慧的文字快樂相處!

“To understand what I am saying, you have to believe that dance is something more than technique… They are born from life. When you create a new work, the point of departure must be contemporary life—not existing forms of dance (1989).” 舞蹈、劇場、電影、文學及其評論也是這樣要求,於是看到好作品的時候不多,讓自己不屬於單一界別,就是這個原因!

“The only thing I did all the time was watching people. I have only seen human relations, or have tried to see them & talk about them. That’s what I’m interested in (1980).” 「見自己」容易,「見他人」艱難,有些人以為自己在「見他人」,其實看的祗是肚臍眼;跟自己相處難,跟別人相處更難,前輩說團體不會找我這類難於駕馭的人合作,因為沒有服從性而且太多批判意識!但,無論創作還是評論,本來就不應該順從世界,否則去當官好了,而大部份團體其實是官僚架構,這樣的邏輯原本很顯淺,現在我才明白!

Pina 說的:“I like people who are difficult to open. Otherwise there’s nothing special (1999).” 跟同樣喜歡Pina 的 Daisy Chu 互勉!