
九十後衰仔 KO 媽打

在一些香港年青人(甚至中年及老年人)的眼中, 享受是人類的必需品, 沒有享受, 生存就再沒有甚麼意義.

享受生活對他們來講, 有時候又變成了物質生活的代名詞. 打機, 唱K, 跴冰, … 與上一代的跳飛機, 搓皇帝, 捉伊因,... 成為了兩類極端相對的娛樂.

人類生存真的只為了享受嗎? 還是如一些基督徒所講, 是為了榮耀神, 期待最後得以與神一起共享永生?



無聊本身其實不可能存在, 真實生活的人不會無聊, 因為每分每刻他都要自己去”過”, 都會產生新的感受. 所謂黑板式的生活, 其實並不枯燥乏味, 因為真正的枯燥是沒有顏色的, 黑色其實是一種體驗.

一些人之所以感到無聊空虛, 只不過是他們將自己真實的感覺封閉起來, 見到黑色就等同見不到顏色, 面對豐富的世界, 更是視而不見.

一個開放真實感覺的人, 永遠覺得時間不夠, 渡年如日, 每次想把新感受捉住, 卻又被它逃脫. 相反, 一個封閉真實感覺的人, 永遠覺得時間太多, 渡日如年, 時時刻刻要消磨時間, 卻又打發不了.

九十後就算如何不長進, 也不是一班廢物, 因為他們是九十前打造出來的環境的犧牲品, 這個環境令前者無法了解如何去開放他們的真實感覺, 令他們在一個沒有顏色的人造, 如 Matrix 般, 環境中, 生存得像個活死人.

原唱1:Tsewang Lhamo Original singer 1: Tsewang Lhamo
原曲1: Mepoe Ziji Original music 1: Mepoe Ziji (Ancestors’ Glory)
原曲2: 瑶族舞曲 Original music 2: Dance of the Yao People
填詞: 土共 Lyrics: Muddy Commie
編曲: 土共 Arrangement: Muddy Commie
結他音樂: 土共 Guitar music: Muddy Commie
歌者: 土共 Singer: Muddy Commie
語言: 香港語 Lanugage: Hongkongese
目的: Purpose:
1. 推廣香港母語 1. Pomote Hongkongese Language
2. 推廣西藏文化 2. Promote Tibetan Culture

歌名: 九十後衰仔KO媽打 Song name: Post-90’s Rotten kid KO mother
Song name romanization: gau2 sap5 hau5 sui1 jai2 kei1 o1 ma1 da2
(改編自現代西藏民歌 "Mepoe Ziji" 及 中國民歌 "瑶族舞曲")
(Rearranged from the contemporary Tibetan folk song “Mepoe Ziji” and the Chinese folk music “Dance of the Yiu6 (Yao) People”).

Lyrics and Chords:
yau4 man5 a3 ma1 kui4 loh2 chin2
I asked my mom I wanted money from her again.

gam1 maan1 ngoh4 yeuk3 joh2 friend wai1
I invited my friends to hang out tonight.

Am Dm
要去尖東睇齣戲, 唱k., 跴冰., 直.. 落
yiu3 hui3 jim1 dung1 tai2 chut1 hei3 cheung3 kei1 chaai2 bing1 jik5 lok5
I wanted to go to Tsim Sha Tsui East to see a movie, sing karaoke, rollerblade til late night..

Em Am
daan5 ngoh4 a3 ma1 yat1 mei2 hei2 sai3 gam2 lau5
But my mother scolded me nonstop viciously.

Dm Am Em Dm Am
實情喺衰夾.(口兮), 愛亂呢, 唔問...米貴, 正衰仔., 衰貼地.
sak5 ching6 hai5 sui1 gap3 yik1, oi3 luen5 lei6, m6 man5 mik4 gwai3, jing3 sui1 jai2, sui1 tip3 dei5
You are really rotten and naughty, love committing chaos, never ask about the high price of rice, a real rotten kid, rotting down to the ground.

又. 冇 蚊. 我. 真慘...
ji5 man5 mo4 man1 ngoh4 jan1 chaam2
Questioning myself of my lack of money, I am so pathetic.

醜死怪, 好樣衰 ..
chau2 sei2 gaai3, ho2 yeung2 sui1
It was very shameful; I looked very shitty.

Am Dm
廒响屋企打機飲兩罐.啤酒.真想去死 .
ngau5 heung2 uk1 kei2 da2 gei1 yam2 leung4 koon3 be1 jau2 jan1 seung2 hui3 sei2
I was stuck at home playing video games, drinking two cans of beer and really wishing I would commit suicide.

Em Am
daan5 ngoh4 a3 ma1 hei2 sai3 gam2 lau5
But my mother scolded me nonstop viciously.

Dm Am Em Dm Am
實情喺冇用夾虧, 冇前途, 頭大..冇腦, 正衰仔., 衰到死.
sat5 ching6 hai5 mo4 yung5 gap3 kwai1 mo4 chin6 to6 tau6 daai5 mo4 lo4 jing3 sui1 jai2 sui1 do3 jun5
You are really useless and impotent; you have no future, but a large head with no brain; you are a real rotten kid, rotting to death.

To learn more about Natural Cantonese Romanization, please visit: http://www.freehongkong.net/learn-cantonese

To listen to the original song "Mepoe Ziji (Ancestors’ Glory)", please visit: