
文化藝術界強烈反對通過《2011年版權(修訂)條例草案》Local Art and Cultural Communities stand against “Copyright (Amendment) Bill”

文化藝術界強烈反對通過《2011年版權(修訂)條例草案》Local Art and Cultural Communities stand against “Copyright (Amendment) Bill”

*For English version, please check below*


政府一直聲稱版權制度,可以有效去推動創意産業發展,並推出了《2011年版權(修訂)條例草案》(《版權條例》可看(香港法例第528章),現急於在五月 九日在立法會二讀通過。據新修訂的草案,只要創作(包括廣義的文學、戲劇、音樂、建築、雕塑、攝影、影片、廣播、平面設計、電腦程式、聲音紀錄及藝術作 品)被認為「損害版權擁有人權利」即有機會付上刑事罰則,政府可以直接檢舉,受影響的除了網民外,更勢將成為所有創作人頭上的一把利刀,威脅創作自由。作為藝文界和創作人,我們認為新草案千瘡百孔、嚴重偏側,對政府一意孤行,漠視知識、文化及民意的強推法案,更是強烈反對。我們要求:

1. 反對刑事罰則,政府不可直接檢控。
修訂條例一經通過,成為刑事法則後,政府可以跳過版權持有人,直接檢控二次創作,嚴重威脅創作自由,文字獄、圖像獄、白色恐怖勢成為所有創作人的夢魘。版權 利益本應是版權持有人的事,政府如此提高姿態越俎代庖,過程中又從未以知識為本、就事論事地做過持平的研究,實在令人懷疑,版權法例他日會否是政治檢控的 方便之門。

2. 創作自主,諷刺無罪,立即豁免二次創作。
挪用、戲仿、在既定物件上重組,打開新的意義,是當代藝術一種非常普及的創作手法,二次創作也流行得早成為一種藝術類型。要求當局與時並進,跟其他國際大都 會並列,效法比利時、法國、荷蘭、波蘭、西班牙等國家有法律明文容許二次創作(caricature,parody or pastiche) ,保障非商業/非牟利的再創作免受刑責。如今政府強硬通過,然後研究修訂,猶如大病者先吃藥後診症,違反常識,必將導致嚴重後果。

3. 正視網絡文化,尊重知識分享。
政府不應把版權持有人向公眾發佈權利延伸至任何(包括未來的)新電子傳送科技,例如「點對點 」(P to P)和社會性媒體(social media)等交流分享空間。 衍生、轉化、重組、上載分享已成為今天網絡分享文化重要一環,甚至已成生活的一部份。香港政府不能滯後世界潮流,應馬上重新保障「共享創意」 (Creative Commons)、GNU通用公共授權條款等開放式版權授權條款的使用者,而不是傾斜保障財團及大型機構,以免成為人民之敵、國際笑 話。

4. 重新建立更公平的版權條例修定
創作本質不是要盡快拿取專利,獨享市場及權威, 創作本應是有關表達的自由、共享的價值,因此,版權條例不應單方面向版權持有人傾斜,修訂更不應由商務及經濟發展局、知識產權署閉門造車。應引入更廣泛的 意見,包括藝術家、創作人、教育工作者、學者及文化工作者,以定立更公平的版權條例修定。


聯絡人 俞若玫 96601164 / 蔡芷筠 92753902 / 洪曉嫻 62877951


也可以看看名字有沒有錯漏!已經在ger status留了名的朋友,請不要在這裡再填,怕重複!


如果你不是獨立媒體會員,你可以電郵你的名字和身份專業,標題為版權法,到[email protected]

日期:4/5(星期五)2pm 地點:九龍城聯合道135號香港兆基創意書院地下VIP室


Say No to Stupid Copyright Protection
Say Yes to Freedom of Creation
Local Art and Cultural Communities stand against “Copyright (Amendment) Bill”

The government claims that by “strengthening our copyright regime in the digital environment helps the environment for creativity to flourish, and would generally bring a positive impact on the economy” and is therefore proposing the “Copyright (Amendment) Bill” (see Copyright Ordinance (Chapter 528)). The government is now urging the Legislative Council to pass its “Second Public Consultation on the draft Code of Practice for Online Service Providers” on 9 May 2012. According to the draft, criminal sanctions will be introduced against so-called “unauthorised communication of copyright works”. In other words, any form of creation (namely literature. drama, music, architecture, sculpture, photography, film, broadcasting, graphic design, computer programming, sound recording and artwork creation) regarded as affecting “prejudicially the copyright owners” could be illegal and charged straight by the government. Once the draft is passed, not only netizens, but all art and cultural practitioners at large will be affected, the right to create will be deeply threatened. As part of the art and cultural circle, we denounce such draft which ignored the true meaning of right and the medium of creation today, and appeals only to the interest of copyright owners by risking destroying the creativites of art and cultural communities. We find it particularly disgusting that the government pays no attention to these contemporary situations and the voices against this bill, but intends it is rushing to pass the unjust bill now, and will only consider adjusting its details later. The legislative procedure is groundless, yet its impact will be devastating. We therefore demand:

1. Re-evaluating the Right of Creation

The production in the digital milieu has taken a very different form as we have seen in the past decade. The new forms of writings, editing, creations are intrinsic to the nature of the Internet and digital technologies, for example reproductivity, remixing, mash up, etc. The new forms of creation reconstitute the public space, and also become the proper means to access to the ‘res public’. The right to creation in this new epoch must be evaluated and be granted without regressing back to law that is against its own spirit.

2. NO Criminal Sanctions

With such a regression, the government could charge any creation with or without the knowledge of its copyright owner (if any), but who really is the creator and is there any idea which comes no where. At such, any text or image creation could be potentially charged as criminal act. The government becomes the only player that values the ‘violation’, and such law will obviously be an easy excuse for political prosecution.

3. Recognize Net Culture; Respect Intellectual Sharing

It is unjust for the government to control EVERY mode of electronic transmission including Point-to-Point and social media information sharing platform in the name of ‘protecting intellectual properties’. Derivation, transformation, rearrangement and uploading on the internet is a crucial part of network sharing culture, if not already an essential part of everyday life. The government should not sheltering the interest of mere big enterprises and business, and remain blind to the alternative ‘copyright’ movements such as the Creative Commons, General Public License, etc.

4. Reforming a fairer Copyright Bill
Creation is about freedom of expression, sharing of knowledge, values, etc. However, the current draft emphasizes only the interest of copyright owners without really paying attention to creativities and the process of creations. The draft should not be drafted only by the Commerce, Industry and Tourism Branch of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, instead all parties concerned including artists, creators, art-educators, scholars and cultural practitioners should be involved in rewriting the Copyright Bill.

The voice of Anti-Bill is loud enough that the Government should NOW call off the bill amendment.
Ban the “Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2011” now!
Art and cultural practitioners now stand together against such threat on creation.

Contact persons: Cally Yu 9660 1164 / Ger Choi 9275 3902 / Kitty Hung 6287 7951

Signed List Starting From 25 APR : (You may check your information there)

You can sign your name in the comment below,
with your professions / title, Can / Can't attend the press conference.
eg. Alan, Artist, can

If you are not the member of Inmedia, you can send your name to [email protected] with email title : Copyright Bill

You may also attend the press conference
4 May (FRI) 2pm /
VIP room at ground floor, 135 Junction Road, Kowloon City, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity