
Please visit this site, and if you support our cause, please join our facebook group

Please visit this site, and if you support our cause, please join our facebook group

(There is a saying in US, if I can trust what you say, take it to the bank. Are the supporter of Creationism/Intelligent Design going to vaccine using Theistic Biology they develop for swing flu?)

Dear all,

We have seen a worrying development that Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents, an off-shoot from USA's Religious Right, is active in Hong Kong.

On May 11, 2009 a group of over 60 persons, including Chris Beling, avowed Intelligent Design proponent, and Principal of St. Paul Co-Educational School, came out and endorse a letter containing almost all USA Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents arguments (in particular the Discovery Institute). They wanted to use their status as "educators"/"professionals"/"scientists" to influence the HKSAR Government -- but their letter is all misleading information -- their acts are no short of lying to the LegCo Panel on Education and in my opinion, despicable.

With these prominent people pressuring the Education Bureau we are at an uphill battle against them, unless we are able to generate concern in the territory. Please visit this site, learn about the background.

If you share our concerns, please support us, and we welcome you to join our Facebook group too.

Please pass the words around to friends you know that will agree with this concern.
