Nicola Sturgeon (SNP),蘇格蘭首席大臣施雅晴(或譯司徒瑾),宣誓前加插「蘇格蘭黨忠於蘇格蘭人民……」
Nicola Sturgeon (Glasgow Southside) (SNP):
"The Scottish National Party pledges loyalty to the people of Scotland, in line with the Scottish constitutional tradition of the sovereignty of the people."
Patrick Harvie (Green),蘇格蘭綠黨聯席召集人,宣誓前加插「以蘇格蘭綠黨及其蘇格蘭議會議員之名,重申一直都以服務蘇格蘭的主權元首-蘇格蘭人民-為優先,並且支持民選國家元首的宗旨。」
Patrick Harvie (Glasgow) (Green):
"On behalf of the Scottish Green Party and our MSPs, I would like to reaffirm that our priority will always be to serve the people of Scotland, who are sovereign, and that we support the principle of an elected head of state."
Neil Findlay (Lab),宣誓前加插「我相信蘇格蘭人民應為自主的公民,而非君主的臣民,因此我強調我的效忠以他們為先。然而,我知悉我若要在議會服務我的選民,我必須符合法律要求而進行下列的宣誓。」
Neil Findlay (Lothian) (Lab):
"Before making a solemn affirmation, I state that I believe that the people of Scotland should be citizens, not subjects, and that I hold firmly that my allegiance should first and foremost be to them. However, I recognise that to serve my constituents in Parliament I must meet the legal requirement of making a solemn affirmation and will therefore now do so."
John Finnie (Green),宣誓前以蘇格蘭蓋爾語和英語加插「主權在於蘇格蘭人民」
John Finnie (Highlands and Islands) (Green):
“Tha muinntir na h-Alba uachdarail. The Scottish people are sovereign.”
Mark Ruskell (Green),宣誓前加插"在我心,我的效忠乃面向蘇格蘭人民"
Mark Ruskell (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Green):
"In my heart, my allegiance is to the people of Scotland."
Elaine Smith (Central Scotland) (Lab),宣誓前加插「我相信蘇格蘭人民應為自主的公民,而非君主的臣民,因此我強調我的效忠以他們為先。然而,我知悉我若要在議會服務我的選民,我必須符合法律要求而進行下列的宣誓。」
Elaine Smith (Central Scotland) (Lab):
"Before I take the oath, I state that I believe that the people of Scotland should be citizens and not subjects and that I hold firmly that my allegiance should be first and foremost to them. However, I recognise that to serve my constituents in the Parliament I must meet the legal requirement of taking the oath, and I will therefore do so."
從誓詞的字面上看,宣誓內容為向君主本人及其繼承者效忠;然而,上述多人的「加料」內容,有強調主權在民或在蘇格蘭人,也有人開宗名義指稱宣誓只為滿足法律要求,其中蘇格蘭綠黨聯席召集人Patrick Harvie在宣誓前的宣言,更直接表達以民選元首取代皇室的共和制主張。不過,上述眾人皆如常就任議員,Nicola Sturgeon(中文翻譯為施雅晴或司徒謹),更為現任蘇格蘭首席大臣(即蘇格蘭政府之首)。