林鄭月娥,你可以忍受多久? 梁振英已拖垮警隊和整個政府,他昨天晚上對你的「委派」明顯地是局限你與學聯的談判底線和自由度。(所以昨晚你「二話不說」就離開記招。)
所以, 假如這次梁振英和中央不讓你有所突破, 你對這政府和政權還有什麼留戀?
Carrie Lam, don't be a puppet anymore! You need freedom ah!
C Y Leung said, "I will not resign. I will make good the universal suffrage letting there be one people one vote."
She (a very cool outsider friend) said, "thick-faced."
Carrie Lam, how long can you stand? C Y Leung has already pulled down the Police and the whole administration. Last night he 'appointed' you to have meeting with the HK Federation of Students; he obviously limited your capacity in the negotiaton. (And, that is why you left the press conference curtly without saying anything more.)
When you have reached the baseline of 'having nothing to lose', it may enlighten you as to how you and this city should go forward. I really don't want you to be pulled down also, really (despite the fact that you are being so).
Hence, if you can't afford any breakthrough this time, what more can make you stay with this administration and this political power?