




據《星島日報》2019年9月24日報導,「警員截停一輛巴士及上車向乘客調查,其間四十九歲的貿易署貿易主任蘇逸佳亦為乘客…警員其後在蘇的背囊,檢獲頭盔、護眼罩、反光背心、手套及防毒面具等『抗爭物資』。…警員以涉嫌『藏有工具可作非法用途』將蘇拘捕」[1]。誠如最近高等法院原訟庭在「朱承曄案」中所言,我們作為律師不應公開地發佈「黑警___」等令人反感(distasteful)及煽動仇恨(hatred-inciting)的言論 [2],故本文旨在理性討論上述拘捕的合法性。


其實早於1968年經已有香港上訴法院的案例指出,就當時的《簡易程序治罪條例》第17條而言 [3],「攻擊性武器」(offensive weapon)及「適合作非法用途的工具」(instrument fit for unlawful purposes)分別應按「同類規則」(ejusdem generis rule)詮釋。按此規則,當廣義字詞與較狹義字詞在文本中並列時,廣義字詞的解釋應限於與狹義字詞性質相同的事物。所以「適合作非法用途的工具」只限於與「撬棍、撬鎖工具、百合匙」相類似的工具,亦即用途為非法通往一大廈、容器或密閉空間(“securing unlawful access to a building, a receptacle or an enclosed space”)[4]的工具。縱使該條文其後經修訂,高等法院的案例曾指新的《簡易程序治罪條例》第17條實質上仍維持不變(“the new Section 17 remains substantially unchanged”)[5]。

顯然地,「頭盔、護眼罩、反光背心、手套及防毒面具」不可能屬於該條文底下之「適合作非法用途的工具」,更不可能是「攻擊性武器」。因此,如果香港警察「有做嘢」的話,相關警員在警察學院時理應學習過有關法律;如果相關警員「有讀書」的話,亦理應深知不能以「藏有工具可作非法用途」的罪名拘捕蘇先生。結論是,《肥媽有話兒》中「又唔做嘢、又唔讀書」的批評不無道理 [6]。

[2] 見Re Chu, Alfred(HCMP 1139/2019,2019年9月23日,未經彙編),第8段:“The message involves a very distasteful and hatred-inciting statement. The statement went well beyond a rational criticism of the work of the police. The statement contained a threat, or at the very least a curse, targeting not just the police officers, but their innocent family members who have nothing to do with their work.”
[3] 當時的《簡易程序治罪條例》第17條訂明: “Any person who has in his possession any spear, bludgeon or other offensive weapon, or any crowbar, picklock, skeleton-key or other instrument fit for unlawful purposes, with intent to use the same for any such unlawful purpose, or is unable to give satisfactory account of his possession thereof, shall be liable to a fine of one thousand dollars or to imprisonment for three months.”
[4] 見Tang Chi-ming v The Queen [1968] HKLR 716,頁731。
[5] 見Attorney General v Ip Pui Leung [1989] 1 HKC 498,頁501C。