So called inventor Mr. Chan(Intels award him for his effort, and name a star after me) is on the promotion advertisement in HKSAR's campigan to promotion the 'reverse' political reform package.
I first want to speak for Inventor society in HK which I am a member that he is in no way representative of inventor, this society is underfunded and doesn't see HKSAR is a government concern about invention industry. Also he doesn't qualify the title as an inventor because all his 'inventions' are innovation, i.e. improvement of other invention, he NEVER invent a single thing. Inventor, by definition, does NOT want to affilate with authority, and certainly wouldn't like to endorse anything but his/her own invention.
Moreover, to invent something, we had a goal and try to resolve all kind of problem along the way. Unlike what is said in promotion, when I attemt to invent a car powered by air pressure, I would worked on that direction, however inventive I am, I can't make a car a boat if it is not intended that way. Invention is no magic, it doesn't violate common sense. A car is a car, a car can't 'renovate' as a boat, and certainly car can't become a pin in chess game just because I want to.
So the central tenet of the whole advertisement, 'An invention is not perfect in the first place, it took gradual improvement to become perfect.' is COMPLETELY illogical and misleading.