
把carbon dioxide埋葬海底?

話說可以減低global warming, 但不知是否可以行得通...還是會製造更多不可預見的問題?



Seabed supplies a cure for global warming crisis

Robin McKie, science editor
Sunday April 24, 2005
The Observer

Scientists say they have found the solution to the global warming crisis. They want to bury it.
They believe millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide could be dumped under the bed of the North Sea to reduce atmospheric warming. And they have selected a key candidate to test the technology: BP's Miller oilfield.


Under the scheme, carbon dioxide from power stations - instead of being vented into the atmosphere - would be liquefied, pumped back out to the North Sea via a disused gas pipeline and into the Miller field. Five million tonnes a year could be stored there for more then 10,000 years, say researchers.

BP would gain because the carbon dioxide pumped into the depleted field would help to flush out its last reserves of oil, while Britain would be provided with a sink for its fossil fuel emissions. ...

... To make it feasible, the government will have to ease its oil taxes. At present, the Treasury takes £7 from every £10 worth of North Sea oil. BP wants this reduced to £3 for the last Miller oil to make its storage plan viable. ...