近來有多個 Blog 同在介紹一首由網民創作的歌曲,頗為不錯,叫《他約我去迪士尼》。主唱的那位女孩叫 kellyjackie,看她的Xanga應該還在讀中五,但創作起上來卻有板有眼,唱歌技巧雖然略帶稚嫩,但清新順耳,讓人聽得舒服。不知會否繼『老鼠愛大米』之後成為另一首網路音樂奇蹟?
畢生也願記起 香港迪士尼 煙火璀璨夜晚定會很美
坐咖啡杯 溫馨記憶 旋轉中細味 天邊星宿也沒法比
不必理是與非 不需要顧忌 穿梭堡壘內陪伴我嬉戲
米老鼠 比精品店的美 輕輕靠近 都可使我快樂跳起
在 擁抱米奇老鼠公仔的同時,有沒有想過那些精品都在哪兒製造、怎樣製造?迪士尼是典型的跨國生產企業,也是出名的不良僱 主。當你想像手中那可愛的 Winnie the Pool,可能是由第三世界的血汗工場所出品,是在那些接受極低工資、缺乏工作保障的女工製造出來時,會有何感想?更絕的是,這是跨國企業常會因為逃避企 業責任,而將生產地搬到更落後的地方、勞工保障更少的地方,以減低生產成本(但產品售價卻從不會減低),來賺最多的錢。
在許多工人和關注全球化的人眼中,迪士尼、可口可樂和麥當勞可稱得上是邪惡軸心鐵三角。破壞環境、剝削勞工、鼓勵過份消費、文化侵略,一大串的罪名都隱藏在虛幻的歡樂和美麗背後,當我們『不必理是與非 不需要顧忌 穿梭堡壘內陪伴我嬉戲』的時候,又有否想過,這其實是否我們真正需要的享受?
(fred 按:若歌者看到這文章的話,請別介意,你的歌很動聽,我是借題發揮而已。)
The Unauthroized Anti-Disney Page
Disney also has got some positive aspects...
Even McDonald's has tried to respect French cultures, and that's why
the most elegant, most classical and pretty McDonald's are mostly found
in France.
I also disagree with globalisation, and
I think that when international enterprises expand, localisation is
always a better way. Disney and McDonald's are both trying to do a bit
of it, at least. And anyway, Walt Disney has not only done bad things,
truly. Their way of development in Disneyland Resort Paris is seen as
a model of sustainable tourism development. Of course, for HK, I can't
agree with it because of the big-scaled reclaimation project involved.
Otherwise, it is not the worst tourism-oriented project in HK I have
ever seen. It is just the target is so big for people to notice and to
attack. Anybody trying to do more research of the cable car in Ngong
Ping linking to the Big Buddha (the world's biggest outdoor bronze
sitted buddha statue)? We have so many evidence to blame Disney, just
because of the rich resources we have on the others' previous
research. Like we blame McDonald's but not Hardee's or Burger King,
why? I am not sure if the other big international fastfood chains are
more environmentally friendly than McDonald's, frankly. Be careful we
don't fall into such traps of being guided to who and what to