

越來越多科學報告指出, 禽流感的出現是因為野鳥棲身的濕地被人類佔用或受污染破壞, 以致野鳥飛到農家魚池與家禽接觸, 以致禽流感蔓延. 聯合國環境計畫報告書呼籲各國政府恢復濕地的原來生態, 使野鳥有棲息的地方, 以自然的方法與家禽區隔.

節錄自 Worldwide Wetland Restoration Could Reduce Bird Flu Threat:

The loss of wetlands around the world is forcing wild birds that may
have avian influenza onto alternative sites like farm ponds and paddy
fields, where they come into contact with chickens, ducks, and geese,
finds a new report commissioned by the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP).

Restoring the tens of thousands of lost and degraded wetlands could
help reduce the threat of an avian flu pandemic by providing wild birds
with their preferred habitat, according to the report authored by Dr.
David Rapport of Canada.

The report’s preliminary findings were announced today at a
scientific seminar on avian influenza taking place at UNEP headquarters
in Nairobi.
