因為愛滋病肆虐, 女性往往被形容為受害者, 對性關係充滿恐懼, 要守身如玉, 性快感於整個討論中缺席, 尤如非洲對女性進行割禮一般, 但現代的割禮是以語言權力來進行.
如何把性快感引進全安性行為的教育, 成為一個很重要的議題, 土耳其的女性人權團體, 就嘗試把性快感的權利, 納入人權, 於性教育中, 引進女性性快感的討論, 讓女性向令自己不爽的行為說 "不", 而不是主動地禁慾或被動地對性感到恐懼.
節錄自 IDS...
ush’s neo-conservative
agenda around abstinence, abortion and sexuality tries to bury sexual
realities. In doing so, it profoundly fails those whom it claims to wish
to help. Development also fails women and girls by failing to acknowledge
the centrality of sexual rights to all dimensions of human wellbeing.
The right to bodily integrity lies at the very heart of sexual rights.
This encompasses pleasure and desire as well as the outrage of bodily
violation. All too often, women and girls are treated as if they are not
fully human, as if they must somehow be protected by others, told what
to do and what not to do.
Treating women as victims gives
the impression that women only ever have unsafe sex because we lack power
to negotiate with male partners - fidelity, safer sex or no sex are what
we want. And only men are ever tempted into unsafe sex by their own desires.
But is there no possibility of women feeling and acting upon our own desires?
Not everyone in development
thinks so. The Turkish NGO Women for Women’s Human Rights has run
training sessions on "sexual pleasure as a human right" in community
centres and state residences for girls throughout Turkey. Talking about
pleasure can open spaces for more effective strategies for tackling HIV/AIDS.