
平民班房2008: 「大師的凝望」 _ 電影選播 : 《1936年的歲月》(Days of ‘36)

平民班房2008: 「大師的凝望」 _ 電影選播 : 《1936年的歲月》(Days of ‘36)


People’s Classroom 2008

大師的凝望 Master Film Auteurs

2008.04.08 星期二 Tue

電影選播 : 《1936年的歲月》(Days of ‘36)

西奥‧安哲羅普洛斯Theo Angelopoulos


1973 柏林電影節青年導演論壇 - 國際影評人費比西獎


希臘語對白 中文字幕 105 min 彩色 1972

It is 1936 in Greece, shortly before the Metaxas' dictatorship. A former drug trafficker and police informer, Sofianos, is in prison because of the assassination of a trade unionist during a rally. A conservative politician, Kriezis, with whom Sofianos had a homosexual relationship, visits him in prison. Using a smuggled gun Sofianos manages to take him hostage in his cell and blackmails the police in order to be released. The government is at a dead end and the country finds itself in a crisis. Being incapable of dealing with the situation, the government decide to kill Sofianos.

1973 FIPRESCI Prize for Forum of New Cinema in Berlin International Film Festival

1972 Best Cinematography and Best Director Award in Thessaloniki Film Festival

Colour Film Greek Dialogues with Chinese Subtitles 105 min 1972

時間 : 2008.04.08 Tue 7.30 pm

地點 : 香港獨立媒體@香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道365號富德樓9字樓

          Inmedia 9/F Fu Tak Building, 365 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong.

電話 : 2147 0788

導讀 : born 羅出世

言語 : 廣東話及英語

免費入場 歡迎資助

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