
平民班房2008: 「大師的凝望」 _ 電影選播 : 《撒旦探戈2》(Sátántangó 2)


People’s Classroom 2008

大師的凝望 Master Film Auteurs

2008.01.08 星期二 Tue

電影選播 : 《撒旦探戈2: 第五至第八章》
(Sátántangó 2 : Chapter 5-8)

塔爾‧貝拉 Tarr Béla

塔爾與匈牙利作家 Kresznahorkai László 第二度合作,「匈牙利平原三部曲」的第二部。





匈牙利語對白 英文字幕 140 min 黑白 1994

“Devastating, enthralling for every minute of its 7 hours, I’d be glad to see it every year for the rest of my life.’’ - Susan Sontag

In a small dilapidated village in 1980s Hungary, life has come to a virtual standstill. The autumn rains have started. The villagers expect to receive a large cash payment that evening, and then plan to leave. Some want to abscond earlier with more than their fair share of the money. However they hear that the smooth talking Irimias, whom they thought had died, is coming back. They are apprehensive that he will take all their money in one of his grandiose schemes to keep the community going.

1994 Caligari Film Award in Berlin International Film Festival

B/W Film Hungarian Dialogues with English Subtitle 140 min 1994

時間 :    2008.01.08 Tue 7.30 pm

地點 :    香港獨立媒體@香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道365號富德樓9字樓

            Inmedia 9/F Fu Tak Building, 365 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong.

電話 :    2147 0788

導讀 :    born law 羅出世

言語 :    廣東話及英語

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