
平民班房2008: 「大師的凝望」 _ 電影選播 : 《塞瑟島之旅》(Voyage to Cythera)

平民班房2008: 「大師的凝望」 _ 電影選播 : 《塞瑟島之旅》(Voyage to Cythera)

平民班房2008: 「大師的凝望」 _ 電影選播 : 《塞瑟島之旅》(Voyage to Cythera)

People’s Classroom 2008

大師的凝望 Master Film Auteurs
2008.08.05 星期二 Tue
電影選播 : 《塞瑟島之旅》(Voyage to Cythera)

西奥‧安哲羅普洛斯Theo Angelopoulos

史派諾在德軍佔領希臘期間,年紀雖小卻常展現勇敢的抗拒。長大後在國內的內戰中,被放逐到蘇聯去,一直到三十五年後,在人生暮年時,終於可以回歸故鄉。當他以如此矛盾而又曖昧的身份,再回到記憶中熟悉的地方,再面對家人與朋友時,他感覺到了人情的疏離,對未來的盲目,對於祖國低度的認同與漠視。人們企圖卸下記憶的承重,卻又害怕輕得迷失方向。在這樣的環境 下,他意識到自己已經真正失去了國籍。最終,和他離別多年的愛人漂在愛琴海中的浮台上。

1984 康城電影節最佳劇本及國際影評人費比西獎

希臘語對白 中文/英文字幕 134 min 彩色 1984

«Voyage to Cythera could be called Angelopoulos’s version of Fellini’s 8½, that is, a director’s self-reflexive meditation on the difficulties and joys of creating a film.»
Andrew Horton

A political refugee returns to Greece almost forty years after the Civil War. However, things aren't the way he had hoped for. The voyage begins in the landscapes of love, death, imagination and memory. Cythera, both an island and a painting, constitutes a utopia, while the course of the film follows personal experiences, existential anxiety and the traces of the history of the last decades. Everything is changing, with the result that the old refugee feels exiled in his own homeland. Heard over the ashes of past dreams, are the strains of a sad elegy for a lost generation and a lost time, for the crisis in creativity and the essential content of humanism.

1984 Screenplay & International Film Critics Award (FIPRESCI) in Cannes Film Festival

Colour Film Greek Dialogues with Chinese / English Subtitles 134 min 1984

時間 : 2008.08.05 Tue 7.30 pm
地點 : 香港獨立媒體@香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道365號富德樓9字樓
Inmedia 9/F Fu Tak Building, 365 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong.
電話 : 2147 0788
導讀 : born 羅出世
言語 : 廣東話及英語

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