平民班房: 賣藝者言 2007
People’s Classroom 2007
2007.03.22 星期四 Thu
電影選播 : 《父親在世時》(There was a Father)
小津安二郎 Ozu Yasujiro
描寫相依為命的兩父子,一直在鄉間生活。 父親原是一名正直的好老師,但因一次意外,導致一位學童在學校郊遊時溺亡,終於他引咎辭職,並隻身遠赴東京尋找工作,留下兒子一人在鄉間就讀寄宿學校。 正所謂虎父無犬子,兒子長大後,首先到仙台讀大學,及後更在秋田謀得教席。 他終日冀盼能和父親共聚天倫,可惜卻仍未如願。 兒子在入伍前,要到東京驗身,終於能和父親住在一起,可是父親卻在這時突然病危。
日語對白 中/英文字幕 94 min 黑白1942
A widowed high school teacher named Horikawa (Chishu Ryu) experiences a traumatic episode during a school field trip and consequently, decides to abandon his profession and move to a small town where his son, Ryohei may obtain a good education. However, unable to earn enough money to pay for Ryohei's boarding school, Horikawa decides to return to Tokyo to find a better paying job. The separation between father and son would prove to be permanent and irreversible, as Ryohei completes his studies and becomes a schoolteacher in a rural province while his father continues to work in Tokyo.
B&W Film Japanese Dialogues with Chinese / English Subtitle 94 min 1942
時間 Time : 2007.03.22 Thu 7.30 pm
地點 Venue : 香港獨立媒體 @ 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道367號富德樓9字樓
Inmedia, 9/F Fu Tak Biulding, 367 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong.
電話 Phone : 2147 0788
免費入場 歡迎資助
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