平民班房: 賣藝者言 2007
People’s Classroom 2007
論電影作者 Auteurism
2007.03.01 星期四 Thu
電影選播 : 我出生了,但…… (I was born, but……)
小津安二郎 Ozu Yasujiro
默片 日文解說 中文字幕 91min 1932
A Comic for the Adult:
Two young brothers become the leaders of a gang of kids in their neighborhood. Their father is an office clerk who tries for advancement by playing up his boss. When the boys visit the boss' house with their father, they discover that their dad has been making a fool of himself to please his boss, who's son is an outwitted member of the boys' gang. The brothers' revolt claiming that hierarchy should be based on ability, not on social background.
Silent Film Japanese Inter-titles with Chinese Subtitle 91min 1932
時間 : 2007.03.01 Thu 7.30 pm
地點 : 香港獨立媒體 @ 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道367號富德樓9字樓
電話 : 2147 0788
免費入場 歡迎資助