"... 該影片有選擇地引用了一些句語,同時又遺漏了一些重要的史實,創作了一些不真實的歷史記錄,尤其是關係到天安門廣場總指揮柴玲的部分很不真實。若你們認為製作該片並無個人動機以故意詆毀柴玲和學運組織者,我們 ——許多當年就在天安門廣場——敦促你們將本文張貼在你們的網站上,讓公眾可以考慮雙方的觀點,以便作出自己的判斷。
Open letter of Tiananmen survivors, participants, and supporters
To Carma Hinton, Richard Gordon
Director and Producer of the Gate of Heavenly Peace
"...In your documentary, some selectively quoted statements and omissions of a few important historical facts created a false record of the history, particularly in relation to our fellow student leader Chai Ling. If you consider your production a documentary of the facts without any personal motives to intentionally discredit Chai Ling and the student organizers of the movement, we, many of whom were actually in Tiananmen Square, urge you to post this letter on your web site so that the public can consider both of our perspectives and judge for themselves.
In your documentary, you used selective quotes and interpretive and erroneous translation leaving viewers with an impression that Chai Ling had run away from the danger while sending her other students to die, or that she and all of us student leaders had provoked and hoped for the bloodshed. This impression was contradictory to the facts of what actually happened at Tiananmen...."