


"我的父親是一個貪官" 的討論, 引發起社會對新一代道德問題反思, 而共產黨則以一貫政治動員的方式, 於下半年大搞反貪教育; 可是在內地, 越搞政治動員, 人家越反感, 覺得是形式主義, 動員過後, 反彈的力量和快感越大.

最好笑的是, 這次反貪, 又把貪污視為西方外物, 試問若不面對自己制度所造就的問題, 如何反貪? 而且, 正如報導引述的作家所說的一樣, 在大陸, 教育部是其中一個最貪的部門和機構之一, 中學上大學, 大學上研究院, 都是一層一層的關係, 更甚的是把這些關係制度化為 "推研", "買位", 這樣污敗的機構又如何教孩子學會清廉?


BEIJING, July 28 (Xinhuanet) -- China plans to
"vaccinate" the younger generation against the evil of corruption by teaching a
new class, as part of the on-going nationwide anti-corruption campaign, reported
the Oriental Outlook Weekly.

    The Ministry of Education (MOE) has
launched the campaign in some big cities and provinces like Beijing, Shanghai,
Tianjin, Zhejiang, Hubei and Shaanxi, in the second half of this year.

    This month, the Central Committee of the Chinese
Communist Youth League also issued a circular to kick off a nationwide drive of
same kind.

    It reminds people of Deng Xiaoping's slogan of "To
Begin with Children," when the late leader gave his advice on the development of
soccer in China.

    The new education program is aimed at protecting the
young fromthe "bad influence" of certain corruptive concepts and phenomena from
the West, says a document from the MOE. "It is of vital importance for students
of all levels to bear anti-corruption in mind and fight against corruption," it

    "The profound changes in international and domestic
situation have exposed young students to the surrounding corruptive conceptsand
phenomena," the document says.

    Some, however, have challenged officials about the
source of corruption. "The changing situation is not key to the corruption
problem. The essence of corruption lies in the answer to the question: 'Who' has
been corrupt deeds and set a bad example for young students?" Guo Songmin, a
writer, was quoted as saying.

    Corruption in the educational field, such as illegal
charges byschools, has had a negative impact on the younger generation, Guo

    "I have read so many reports that an elementary
school pupil bribed his classmates in elections to be a monitor. I call it a
typical bud of corruption," Cheng Wenhao, a teacher with Tsinghua University. He
is in favor of an anti-corruption education for young students, calling them
"very necessary."

    The All-China Women's Federation also launched a
program calling on all families to render a helping hand in the fight against
corruption early this year.