環保,不應只停留在「藍廢紙、黃鋁罐、啡膠樽」的回收模式,而該更進一步考量廢棄物料本身的實用性和社會價值,進而提倡「升級再造」 (Upcycling) 和具體的減廢方案。本展覽將展出一群本地設計師在過去半年的升級再造實驗成果,並呈現透過設計來將「垃圾」變寶的設計歷程。
展覽日期: 2010年9月10至26日
開放時間: 中午12時至下午8時
地點: 賽馬會創意藝術中心L1 Gallery藝廊
節目查詢:(852) 9014 0759 / [email protected]
When recycling can barely handle the excessive wastes of our production every day, perhaps it is timely to go beyond "Recycling" and embark on the new practices of "Upcycling". The exhibition showcases the experiments by local designers who attempt to transform "trash" into potentially marketable products. Spanning across material collecting, product development and social enterprise, these are proposals towards a sustainable system that will cast impact on our strategies of waste handling and energy saving; hence, reviving values by design.
Exhibition details
Exhibition period: 10th - 26th Sept, 2010.
Opening hours: 12nn - 8pm
Venue: L1 Gallery, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre
Enquiry: (852) 9014 0759 / [email protected]
Further information: http://www.hkcmp.org/upcycling_eflyer/upcyclingeflyer.html詳全文