
土耳其社會學學者Meltem Ahıska 來港演講 / Public Lecture by Meltem Ahıska, Scholar of Sociology from Turkey

土耳其社會學學者Meltem Ahıska 來港演講 / Public Lecture by Meltem Ahıska, Scholar of Sociology from Turkey

土耳其社會學學者Meltem Ahıska 來港演講 / Public Lecture by Meltem Ahıska, Scholar of Sociology from Turkey

(The English version follows the Chinese version.)
土耳其社會學學者Meltem Ahıska 來港演講

土耳其伊斯坦堡Boğaziçi 大學社會學系副教授Meltem Ahıska將會應邀來港出席性別研究公開講座系列2010四月份的講座。是次系列由香港中文大學性別研究課程主辦,利希慎基金贊助。

Ahıska博士是 《The Magical Door of Radio: Occidentalism and Political Subjectivity》 (Radyonun Sihirli Kapısı: Garbiyatçılık ve Politik Öznellik) 一書的作者,並曾合著 《‘The Indivisible Unity of the Nation’: Fragmenting Nationalism(s) in the Democratization Process》 (‘Milletin Bölünmez Bütünlüğü’ : Demokratikleşme Sürecinde Parçalayan Milliyetçilik(ler)),以及在《Waiting for the Barbarians: A Tribute to Edward Said》一書中撰寫一章,題為‘Orientalism/Occidentalism: The Impasse of Modernity’。她的著作廣泛涉獵西方主義、社會記憶、性別及相關議題。她的最新著作,由倫敦I.B.Tauris出版的《Occidentalism in Turkey: Questions of Modernity and National Identity in Turkish Radio Broadcasting》快將出版。




公開講座:西方主義的性別文法:在土耳其不同論述如何回應針對女性的暴力 (The Gendered Grammar of Occidentalism: Modes of addressing violence against women in Turkey)



地點:香港灣仔軒尼詩道15 號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈202室(港鐵灣仔站A2出口)


主持:墨美姬教授 嶺南大學文化研究系講座教授


查詢:電郵: genderstudiesPLS@cuhk.edu.hk; 電話: 2696 1026; 傳真:2603 7223


Public Lecture by Meltem Ahıska, Scholar of Sociology from Turkey

Meltem Ahıska, Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Boğaziçi University (Istanbul), Turkey, will visit Hong Kong and be the speaker for the upcoming lecture of the Public Lecture Series on Gender Studies 2010, organized by the Gender Studies Programme of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and sponsored by the Lee Hysan Foundation.

Dr. Ahıska is the author of The Magical Door of Radio: Occidentalism and Political Subjectivity (Radyonun Sihirli Kapısı: Garbiyatçılık ve Politik Öznellik) and the co-author of ‘The Indivisible Unity of the Nation’: Fragmenting Nationalism(s) in the Democratization Process (‘Milletin Bölünmez Bütünlüğü’ : Demokratikleşme Sürecinde Parçalayan Milliyetçilik(ler)). She has also contributed to Waiting for the Barbarians: A Tribute to Edward Said with a chapter entitled ‘Orientalism/Occidentalism: The Impasse of Modernity’, and various publications on Occidentalism, social memory, gender and related issues. Her new book, Occidentalism in Turkey: Questions of Modernity and National Identity in Turkish Radio Broadcasting by I.B.Tauris of London, is forthcoming as well.

The coming lecture in April by Dr. Ahıska is titled ‘The Gendered Grammar of Occidentalism: Modes of addressing violence against women in Turkey’. She will take Occidentalism as a historical and dialogical construction of modernity in Turkey in relation to the so-called “East” and “West”, and argue that Occidentalism has established a performative grammar of power, which can be put into service for explaining away, and legitimizing gender discrimination and violence by using the terms of a projected Westernism.

For enquiries, please call 2696 1026 or e-mail to genderstudiesPLS@cuhk.edu.hk. Members of the public are welcome to register for the public lecture at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/gender/publiclecture.htm.

Event Memo:

Public Lecture: The Gendered Grammar of Occidentalism: Modes of addressing violence against women in Turkey

Date: 28 April 2010 (Wed)

Time: 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

Venue: Rm 202, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessey Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (Wan Chai MTR Exit A2)

Language: English

Chair: Professor Meaghan Morris

Chair Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University

Registration: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/gender/publiclecture.htm

Enquiries: Email: genderstudiesPLS@cuhk.edu.hk; Tel: 2696 1026; Fax: 2603 7223