



保守黨在7月5日開始黨揆選舉首輪投票, 330位保守黨國會議員不記名投票,329人參加了7月7日的第二輪無記名投票,3名候選人的得票分為別:

內政大臣梅伊(Theresa May):199票;
能源部次官利雅華(Andrea Leadsom):84票;
司法大臣戈夫(Michael Gove):46票;



馮煒光以此揚言,「香港去年的政改方案,比英國的民主有過之而無不及。」民主政治是一整套政治制度,其本義是讓人民有權發聲,並影響政治領導人的任命,而其方法必須有嚴格、公開、及市民接受的程序。論制度,英國的民主制度並無不妥。其不妥的地方是人的問題 ─ 金融資本在背後操控;或用較温和的字眼 ─ 在政治領域,資本的影響力過大。


利雅華(Andrea Leadsom)突然宣布退出競逐黨魁,令人震驚。其直接起因是關於母親的一段訪問。雖然,她立即向對方道歉,但已被其主要的議員支持者作背棄口實。

Steve Baker, co-chairman of Conservatives for Britain and one of Ms Leadsom’s prominent backers, said he was “bitterly disappointed”.


出事的訪問是利雅華接受時代雜誌的訪問,只有數句。時代問她是否自我感覺為「母性在政治」?她問,是的,並立即指向梅伊,說梅伊沒有自己的孩子,真的可怕。她隨後再補充,我有孩子,因此我有實質的持份(tangible stake)。可見,她並非一時口快,而是蓄意攻擊。

Ms Leadsom added that she felt “under attack” since the row, which fellow minister Anna Soubry said showed she was unsuitable for Downing Street. The interview was published just hours after the Home Secretary had pledged to fight a “clean campaign” and urged her rival to “do the same”.

The mother of three was asked in an interview with The Times whether she felt “like a mum in politics”.

“Yes. I am sure Theresa will be really sad she doesn't have children so I don't want this to be 'Andrea has children, Theresa hasn't' because I think that would be really horrible, but genuinely I feel that being a mum means you have a very real stake in the future of our country, a tangible stake," she responded.

“She possibly has nieces, nephews, lots of people, but I have children who are going to have children who will directly be a part of what happens next.








1. 她得不到多數的保守黨國會議員支持,擔心當選後管治困難;
2. 九星期的角逐期太長,不利穩定,生意需要穩定局面。

但這些都是預先知道的,不能構成她退選的理由。她退選的真正原因是:『在金融隱定之前面, 民主並不重要。』

Andrea Leadsom's speech in full:

"So this morning I have written a letter to Graham Brady, the chairman of the 1922 Committee, and I would like to read it out to you.

"The best interests of our country inspired me to stand for the leadership. I believe that in leaving the EU a bright future awaits, where all our people can share in a new prosperity, freedom and democracy.

"The referendum result demonstrated a clear desire for change - strong leadership is needed urgently to begin the work of withdrawing from the European Union.

"A nine-week leadership campaign at such a critical moment for our country is highly undesirable.

"Business needs certainty - a strong and unified Government must move quickly to set out what an independent United Kingdom's framework for business looks like.

"It is also essential that current EU workers in the UK and businesses that employ them know where they stand.

"The Conservative Party was elected only last year with a strong manifesto.
"We now need a new prime minister in place as soon as possible, committed to fulfilling that manifesto as well as implementing the clear instructions from the referendum.

"Theresa May carries over 60% of support from the Parliamentary party. She is ideally placed to implement Brexit on the best possible terms for the British people and she has promised that she will do so.

"For me personally, to have won the support of 84 of my colleagues last Thursday was a great expression of confidence for which I am incredibly grateful.

"Nevertheless, this is less than 25% of the parliamentary party and after careful consideration I do not believe this is sufficient support to lead a strong and stable government should I win the leadership election.
"There is no greater privilege than to lead the Conservative Party in government and I would have been deeply honoured to do it.

"I have, however, concluded that the interests of our country are best served by the immediate appointment of a strong and well-supported prime minister.

"I am therefore withdrawing from the leadership election and I wish Theresa May the very greatest success. I assure her of my full support. Thank you very much."


在這重大紛爭之中,政治版塊已出現重大改變。按理,英國應進行大選。事實上,現成為英國必然首相的梅伊,在1997年的貝理雅Tony Blair辭職,白高敦Gordon Brown 接任時,也曾呼籲提前大選,給英國人一個機會。


保守黨的利雅華和工黨的黨魁科爾賓面對同一個問題。若他們當選,他們可能是得到多數黨員支持,但沒有多數黨內國會議員支持。科爾賓肯定是廢柴(dead wood),但利雅華的民望很高,有機會當選。她的退選聲明也如是說。她的退選是受到資本的壓力,迫她放棄。因此,英國人民是被資本出賣了。