針對第二個目標,位於敘利亞西部霍姆斯的Him Shinshar化學武器儲存設施使用了22件武器,9枚美國TLAM,8枚暴風影導彈,3枚海軍型巡航導彈和2枚SCALP陸上攻擊巡航導彈。
首相文翠珊在開場白中交代了這次聯合行動的細節,她表示(16.28 London Time):
「巴澤研究與發展中心被57枚戰斧巡弋飛彈和19枚是聯合空對地距外飛彈中; Him Shinshar化學武器儲存設施被美國的9枚TLAM,5枚海軍型巡航導彈和2枚SCALP陸上攻擊巡航導彈和以由四架英國皇家空軍發射的八枚暴風影導彈擊中;Shinshar化學武器儲存設施被7枚法國SCALP巡航導彈成功擊中。」(註二)
News Transcript
Department of Defense Press Briefing by Pentagon Chief Spokesperson Dana W. White and Joint Staff Director Lt. Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr. in the Pentagon Briefing Room
Press Operations
Pentagon Chief Spokesperson Dana W. White; Joint Staff Director Lieutenant General Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr.
April 14, 2018
Against the first target, the Barzeh Research and Development Center, which is located in the greater Damascus area, we employed 76 missiles; 57 of these were Tomahawk land attack cruise missiles, and 19 were joint air-to-surface standoff missiles, or JASSMs.
Against the second target, the Him Shinshar chemical weapons storage facility, which is located in Syria, just west of Homs, 22 weapons were employed, nine U.S. TLAMs, eight Storm Shadow missiles, three naval cruise missiles, and two SCALP land attack cruise missiles.
Against the third target -- next slide -- the Him Shinshar chemical weapons bunker facility, we deployed seven SCALP missiles. Again, the initial assessment is that this bunker facility was successfully hit.
In the Eastern Mediterranean the French Frigate Languedoc fired three missiles of their naval version of the SCAT missile
In summary, in a powerful show of allied unity, we deployed 105 weapons against three targets. That will significantly impact the Syrian regime's ability to develop, deploy and use chemical weapons in the future.
Mrs Theresa May answer The Parliement
16 April 2018Volume 639
4.19 pm
The Prime Minister (Mrs Theresa May) :
As a result, the co-ordinated actions of the US, UK and France were successfully and specifically targeted at three sites. Contrary to what the Leader of the Opposition said at the weekend, these were not “empty buildings”. The first was the Barzeh branch of the Scientific Studies and Research Centre in northern Damascus. This was a centre for the research and development of Syria’s chemical and biological programme. It was hit by 57 American TLAMs and 19 American JASSMs. The second site was the Him Shinsar chemical weapons bunkers, 15 miles west of the city of Homs, which contained both a chemical weapons equipment and storage facility and an important command post. These were successfully hit by seven French SCALP cruise missiles.
The third site was the Him Shinsar chemical weapons storage site and former missile base, which is now a military facility. This was assessed to be a location of Syrian sarin and precursor production equipment, whose destruction would degrade Syria’s ability to deliver sarin in the future. This was hit by nine US TLAMs, five naval and two SCALP cruise missiles from France and eight Storm Shadow missiles launched by our four RAF Tornado GR4s. Very careful scientific analysis was used to determine where best to target these missiles to maximise the destruction of stockpiled chemicals and to minimise any risks to the surrounding area. The facility that we targeted is located some distance from any known population centres, reducing yet further any such risk of civilian casualties.