該文之要義: AIG is saying here that it has insured $307bn of corporate loans and prime residential mortgages that are on the balance sheets of banks…
…the downgrades of AIG's credit rating that we saw last night automatically increased the perceived riskiness of loans made by banks that have insured credit with AIG.
Which means those banks' balance sheets become weaker - and that could mean that they'll be forced by their regulators to raise additional capital…
If AIG went down, a number of banks' balance sheets would be mullered - there would a dangerous risk to the stability of the global financial system.
我們有理由相信香港的銀行也有牽涉在內,可是卻一直未聞本港有關當局作出任何解釋或提出過有關對應措施…. 真不愧為國際金融中心呵.