For peace in Iraq, Afghanistan to Gaza, Palesitine and Asia
English text follows
聯合國宣佈去年在阿富汗戰爭中,被殺害的平民人數上升40%。阿富汗政府於去年末宣佈,超過160萬5歲以下的兒童及數以萬計的婦女因為缺乏糧食及醫藥而可能喪生。根據紐約時代周刊/CBS於06年的美國民意調查顯示:在美國, 82%的被訪者認為布殊政府在911事件上有隱瞞或撒謊,實際上聯邦調查局的發言人曾向媒體說過,「沒有證據證明拉登與911有關係」。人們對觸發「反恐」之戰均抱懷疑態度。
我們再環顧其他亞洲地區,在菲律賓,自從阿羅約總統上台後,超過700人懷疑被美軍支援的菲律賓國家軍隊政治暗殺;在中國,在02年中央政府利用「反恐」為借口,促進香港特別行政區將違反人權法的23條立法,現在又影響到澳門;在日本,小泉前首相第一次將自衛隊送往伊拉克戰區而推動修改憲法第9條的和平條件 。
1. 必須從伊拉克及阿富汗撤軍!
2. 停止佔據與圍困巴勒斯坦!
3. 要求在亞洲享有和平及民主﹗
Peace Solidarity Coalition
Sunday 22 March 1PM Charter Garden (near subway exit)
Please participate in peace rally of world joint action
Dear friends who concern peace and fairness. And for who expressed sorrow and pain for innocent victims recently massacred in Gaza. Since the “ceasefire” announced by Israel government on Jan. 18th, nothing has been solved but situation of humanitarian crises is deepening at this moment with lacking of food, water, energy and medical supply against thousands of wounded victims in Gaza where under continuous siege. This month will mark sixth anniversary since the US started illegal war against Iraq. But within this period of the war, including in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and Asia, so to speak “war on terror” was clarified actually terror itself to innocent civilians proved by precious victims of horrifying reality.
The US government told lies on existence of mass destruction in Iraq and connection between Al-Qaeda and Iraq former president Saddam Hussein to start invasion six years ago. The US government not just violated UN charter to start war by preemptive attack without approval of UN security council but also violated Geneva convention by torture against captives, bombing civilians and massacre of children. Up to this moment, UK research agency estimated 1,220,580 of Iraq civilians had been killed in the war period.
In Afghanistan UN announced death toll of civilians killed in conflict last year surged 40 % since year before. And Afghanistan government announced last year end, more than 1.6 million children under the age of five and hundreds of thousands of women could die as a result of food insecurity and a lack of medical care. According to US opinion poll by NY Times/CBS on ‘06, showed 82% of respondents in US are thinking the Bush administration is hiding or lying on the fact on 911 attack. Actually FBI spokesman told to media that “no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11”. There is serious doubt rising around the world on trigger point of so to speak “war on terror”.
On Gaza crisis, US lead global media and world’s main stream media reported as if there are two independent forces of Hamas and Israel government are exchanging violence and this is the cause of conflict. But the fact is before the Hamas had to shoot ineffective missiles, Gaza was under military siege to cause sever crisis as supply of human needs had been blocked by Israel government which is illegal and military offence. And before the sieze of Gaza, 41 years of military occupation of Palestine by Israel government is against resolution of UN General Assembly, UNSC and International Humanitarian Law including Geneva Convention.
If we see the effect in other Asian regions, in Philippines after president Arroyo took in power, more than 700 people had been assassinated, and its murderer is suspected in connection with Philippines national army aided by US military forces. In China, central government took advantage on world’s “anti-terrorism” current to influence HKSAR to adopt legalization of anti human right provision of article 23 in ’02, and now endangering in Macau. In Japan, Prime Minister Koizumi first time sent Japan Self Defense Force to war zone of Iraq and threatening to give up its constitution article 9 which stipulates eternal peace.
Please join world’s simultaneous action of peace rally with your families and friends. We strongly demand;
1 Troops out Iraq and Afghanistan!
2 Stop occupation and siege in Gaza and Palestine!
3 Require peace and democracy in Asia!
Place; Gather 1pm Charter Garden(near subway exit J2)
Date; Sunday 22nd March '09
Destination; March to US Consulate
Finish Time;2pm
Peace Solidarity Coalition
Asia Peace Front