Rise for Pride, Rise for Justice
Statement for the Pride March 2016
27 November 2016
移工驕傲遊行聲明 2016
The time to rise and stand to defeat injustice and violence against migrant LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) as foreign workers and members of the sexual minorities is now. Migrant LGBTs march with pride to assert rights as workers and LGBT community, and resist all forms of violence against LGBT and all marginalized sectors.
此刻正是時候站出來,去抵抗社會上對作為移工及性小眾的LGBT(女同志 lesbian、男同志 gay、雙性戀者 bisexual 及跨性別人士 transgender)所施加的不公和暴力。LGBT移工將帶著驕傲去遊行,堅持自己作為工人以及LGBT社群的權利,以及抵抗所有以不同形式壓迫LGBT和所有邊緣小眾的暴力。
Exclusion and discrimination as forms of violence against migrant LGBTs in HK are very much present and even worsening.
As foreign domestic workers, migrant LGBTs are also victims of institutional discrimination as reflected in policies on working and living condition of FDWs; as well as discrimination shown in social relations and treatment of FDWs in the general Hong Kong society.
Exclusion from the statutory minimum wage, mandatory live-in employment arrangement, the two-week rule, weak policies and even weaker implementation of rules governing recruitment agencies, and the resistance to include FDWs in working hours regulations – these are just some of the major policies in Hong Kong affecting FDWs and putitng them in situation that is insecure and vulnerable to abuses.
不同種族家務工被排拒在法定最低工資、被迫接受強制同住政策、兩星期留港限制(two-week rule),政府甚至乎拒絕把不同種族家務工包括在工時限制之內,可是卻對中介公司採用寬鬆的政策,執行之時其監管甚至比政策內容本身更為寬鬆。然而,這些把工人放置在一個沒有保障、不穩定而易於剝削位置的政策,都只是佔在香港影響著不同種族家務工主要政策的冰山之一角。
The condition of FDWs in Hong Kong even leads to most horrific and violent deaths such as those who fell from high-rise flats while cleaning windows. Some experience extreme abuses such as what happened to Erwiana Sulistyaningsih.
上述不同種族家務工在香港的狀況甚至可以導向非常可怕和暴力的死亡,例如有工人因抹窗而從高空墮樓死亡,Erwiana Sulistyaningsih 被雇主嚴重虐待正是當中極端的例子。
Migrant LGBTs are members of the whole migrant community who are exploited, abused and oppressed by a system that treat FDWs as inferior people, disposable workers, commodities for sale, and modern-day slaves.
As members of the sexual minorities, migrant LGBTs suffer from additional oppression based on gender and sexual preference and orientation.
Migrant LGBTs also find themselves in working and living condition that does not respect their rights as LGBTs. There are migrant LGBTs who are required by employers to dress, appear and act “appropriately” which means dressing, appearing and acting as a heterosexual woman.
There are employers who also discriminate against lesbian FDWs fearing that they will “influence” their young wards. There are migrant LGBTs who are forced to remain or go back to the proverbial closet just so they can land or hold on to a job.
也有些雇主會帶著歧視目光看女同志移工,害怕對他們的孩子帶來不良影響。 有些LGBT移工被迫要「留在衣櫃」甚至「退回衣櫃」以保住工作。
Migrant LGBTs take action today to call for change, and to address our concerns as workers and LGBTs. In line with this, we shall:
LGBT 移工今天發起行動以求改變,去帶出我們作為工人和LGBT的關注。因此我們將會︰
1. Join FDWs in Hong Kong on the December 18 (International Migrants Day) action to call for regulation on window cleaning by FDWs, inclusion of FDWs in the working hours policy, and against the arbitrary and unjust denial of working visa for FDWs due to suspicion of job-hopping;
1. 參與不同種族家務工於12月18日國際移民日(International Migrants Day) 的行動,要求香港政府︰在僱傭合約加入有關抹窗工作的限制、在法定工時規定內包括不同種族家務工,以及反對不合理及不公平地以懷疑跳工為由,拒絕向不同種族家務工發出工作簽證;
2. participate in the global One Billion Rising – Revolution in February 2017 to urge actions that will end violence against women
2. 參與全球性的「億萬人起動」(One Billion Rising)革命——在2017年2月舉行,呼籲公眾採取行動終止針對女性的暴力
3. persist in advocacy and education work among migrants and the people in Hong Kong on the rights of migrant workers and LGBTs
3. 堅持不懈地對移工及香港人,進行移工和同志權益議題的倡議及教育工作
4. encourage and further enhance support among local people for migrants and LGBTs
4. 鼓勵及促進提升本地人對移工及LGBT的支持
5. continue and further build the annual Migrants Pride March
5. 持續及發展每年一度的移工驕傲遊行
We take pride as LGBTs. We take pride as migrants. We take pride in being part of the social movement that advances rights and justice for the exploited, excluded, oppressed, and marginalized workers and people in Hong Kong.