近百名人士於4月8日來到包圍位於銅鑼灣禮頓道的印尼大使館,要求釋放 Erwiana Sulistyaningsih。根據聲援人士所講,4月7日來港做證人的 Erwiana,連同她父親,律師,以及2名印尼朋友,被領事館人員以及警員強行由機場帶到被安排的車輛送到去領事館。Erwiana Sulistyaningsih 一班人至今依然被軟禁。
Around hundred people come to the Indonesian Consulate on April 8 for they ultimately hold the responsibility to stand for the rights of Erwiana Sulistyaningsih.
Indonesian consulate officials and police escorts unceremoniously took Erwiana Sulistyaningsih, her father, her lawyer and two indonesian companions straight to the waiting official vehicleto bring them to the consulate general's office when Erwiana arrived on April 7 in Hong Kong. Until now, Erwiana Sulistyaningsih and her companions are still under house arrest.
印尼外傭印傭english兩星期規定Erwiana中介公司強制留宿條例Erwiana Sulistyaningsihdomestic helperIndonesian Consulatehouse arrest