警方近日洗太平地打擊一樓一網站、業主,又到性工作者的工作地方進行問卷調查,威迫她們提供資料,性工作者擔心警方會藉此把她們趕絕殺絕。雖然警方強調其行動只為打擊集團,但現時大部份的性工作者都是自僱人士,警方近日打擊網站、業主、地產及其他與一樓一工作有關人士的行動只是在打壓性工作者本身。香港一樓一並非違法,而警方亦經常強調與性工作者相關的法例(例如依靠妓女為生)背後目的是為了保護性工作者免受剝削;但警方現時拘控網站、業主等,卻令性工作者無法經營,最終的事實是性工作者被趕絕,無以為生,是最大受害者。因此,我們現發起一人一信行動,要求警方尊重性工作者,立即停止濫權及所有趕絕一樓一性工作者的行動,希望大家支持。請把你的支持和簽名電郵到 <[email protected]>。
1. 警方停止打壓性工作者的行動
2. 警方停止強迫性工作者提供資料及簽名
3. 警方停止濫用法例、浪費大量警力和資源打擊性工作者。政府應善用資源,把資源投入發展改善香港民生,而非打擊一些自食其力的邊緣社群
4. 性工作非刑事化,消除有關性工作的法例,令性工作者活得更自在
One-person-one-letter campaign against police extensive raids on one-apartment women
Recently, the police have started extensive raid on one-apartment women’s websites, flat owners. They also visit sex workers’ workplace for the survey, in which they force sex workers to provide all kinds of information. Sex workers have great worries that such police actions may end their business. Although the police spokespersons often claim that their actions are directed at the triad groups, the fact is that currently sex workers are mostly self-employed. The recent police raids on websites, flat owners, real estate companies and other people related with the work of one-apartment women only hurt sex workers. One-apartment women themselves are not illegal in Hong Kong. The police also state in different occasions that the sex work-related laws in Hong Kong (such as living on earnings of prostitution of others) are set up to protect sex workers from exploitation. However, police raids on websites and flat owners only discourage sex workers’ business. Sex workers are the ones to be eradicated. They can no longer make their living. They become the poorest victim. Hence,we now carry out a one-person-one-letter campaign to urge the police to respect sex workers. They have to stop police abuse immediately and all kinds of actions against the one-apartment women. Your support is highly appreciated. Please kindly send us your support and signature to <[email protected]>.
Our demands are as follows:
1. The police stop all actions against sex workers.
2. The police stop forcing sex workers to provide any kind of information and sign on the papers.
3. The police stop misusing the law, as well as wasting police manpower and resources on raiding sex workers. The Government should well use its resources on the development and betterment of the community’s social life, but not discouraging the business of one marginalized but self-reliant group.
4. Decriminalize sex work, repeal all the laws related with sex work, so that sex workers can enjoy their life.
Please widely circulate
圖為編輯所加,摘自:Capitan Giona,「Mumbay Prostitute 1」2006