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漁護署藉詞公眾投訴 企圖再偷運大嶼牛隻!

漁護署藉詞公眾投訴 企圖再偷運大嶼牛隻!


漁農自然護理署(簡稱 漁護署)繼去年秘密強行調遷50頭大嶼及西貢牛隻後,事件倘未得己解決之時,今日再闖大澳藉詞收到「公眾投訴病牛」,企圖偷運大嶼牛隻離開!但是當LBA詢問牛隊其中領導獸醫Dr Patrick Lau 有關行動時, 他卻聲稱他們上星期與離島區議會開會,並被區議會要求為所有大嶼牛隻絕育(意味將所有大嶼牛羣有步驟地從大嶼絕跡),LBA問獸醫為何不徵求島上關注團體有關署方取向時,劉獸醫只重申政府有權為牛隻進行絶育。


AFCD was found in TAI O in attempt of take away the entire herd 14:20 today. One vet in the crew , Dr Angus replied to one of our cow watcher query that they were on duty responding to 'a public report of sick cow', and were there to collect the cow for health check up. Local cow watcher reported to LBA in regarding this unknown AFCD exercise. So I called to Dr. Patrick Lau , leading vet of the team query why cattle team was on Lantau without serving LBA a notice.

Dr. Lau said, AFCD had a meeting with Island District Council last week ,and was requested to 'ear-tag' all cows (did not stress all cow in Tai O , or all Lantau cows) . 'Ear-tag' in AFCD, meant desex cow. LBA disagreed with such requested immediately , as there are already more than 80% of the Lantau cows are already desexed. Any further desexing the animal will lead to extinct the animal in a short time. I asked him why such demand exist but AFCD did not consult local cattle concern groups before the action. Dr. Lau only re-emphasized that AFCD has right to desex the animal without explaining why and how the decision was made.

Please note that LBA already requested AFCD last year to suspended desexing practice and that Government should proceed the castration impact study for each herd before new round of desexing the animal.

We thanks to all members in the community for the immediate support to protect our local animal today. We managed to call off the AFCD action in time before they took away the animal.

LBA會繼續非常堅定地維護我們的本土動物留在原地, 請支持我們,堅守我們的動物「不遷不殺」。不要讓任何人從大嶼山帶走任何數量牛隻,直至另行通告,或除非LBA成員在現場與他們一起工作。

當你看有漁䕶署牛隊職員在大嶼山出現時,請立即撥打LBA熱線 81036312,同時請上前到他們那裡去,站在他們與動物之問,禮貌問他們為什麼在現場?禮貌告訴他們,在LBA成員不場情況下不能帶走任何動物,請他們必須要等到我們的成員到達,並在我們的成員伴同下才可繼續執行任務,或者他們可選擇離開。


如果你看到漁護署對動物的任何強制行動,或拒絕合作, 請致電999,要求警方到場協助. 並立即通知我們最新情況,謝謝您的支持。

LBA will stand very firm to preserve our local animal remain in situ. No relocation , No kill. Please support us and stand firm guard for our animal. DO NOT let anyone to take away any number from Lantau from now on until further announcement, or unless member of LBA crew present on site with them in the practice.

When you see them on site. Please call LBA 8103 6312 immediately, at the same time please go up to them and stand before the animal from them. Ask them politely why they are on site? Tell them politely that they are not agreed to take away any animal without LBA crew present. Tell them to wait until our crew arrive , or they can leave. Please take photo of the crew face to keep record of who present there. LBA crew will get to where you are as soon as possible.

If the crew being rude or un-co-operative to your advise. Call 999 to request police assist if you witness any enforcing action of AFCD on the animal. Thank you for your support.

Lantau Buffalo Association

PS: Thanks to Ms Kathy Daxon, our Tai O cow watcher for AFCD crew action captioning and her photos report.
