這是一個類似婦聯的全國性環保組織, 由官方和民間團體組成. 新華網中吹噓這個組織會展開全國性環保運動, 但我卻有點懷疑.
過去幾年, 大陸最活躍的非政府組織是環保團體, 它們成功阻止了很多破壞環境的工程, 最近政府要求ngo重新向民政部門註冊, 現在又搞了一個官方控制的非政府環保聯會, 令人懷疑其目的是管理控制多於推動環保. 說實的, 中國的婦女運動, 又就多得婦聯拖後腿的功力了.
這個聯會不單統籌國內環保團體, 也會與香港, 台灣與澳門的團體保持溝通, 香港的環保團體進入大陸應該會比較方便, 但其活動也大概會被誘道到適當的方向..
China saw the All China Environment Federation, a non-governmental organization (NGO) with the most extensive variety of members designed to protect the environment, founded here on Friday.
The federation, which includes government officials, other environmentalist social organizations, enterprises and ecologists,is expected to serve as a bridge linking the public and the government and to rally all possible social forces to fight China's worsening pollution.
Chinese Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan encouraged the federation to further study the major ecological problems and offer better consultation to government decision-makers, while attending its founding ceremony.
Li Hengyuan, the federation's vice secretary-general, said thatChina now has more than 2,000 environmental protection NGOs, but most are limited in influence.
"Our federation will not only favor communication between public and government departments but also help various NGOs exchange ideas. It is also open to environmentalists from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign countries," Li said. ...