讓我們在今天,如此特殊又痛楚的日子,以物理學家及輻射醫生John Gofman的話作結︰「現在我們知道核電廠排放輻射並傷害人民,還在支持核電的科學家,不要讓他們再埋首實驗了,把他們拿去審判吧。他們犯的,是謀殺罪。」
Dear Mr. Shinzo Abe,
Protect Fukushima people and Build a Nuclear-Free Japan
We, the citizens in Hong Kong, are shocked to learn that your government's Nuclear Regulation Authority has approved the restarting of Takahama Nuclear Power Station (高浜核電站) in Fukui (福井) Prefecture and Sendai Nuclear Power Station (川內核電站) in Kagoshima (鹿兒島) Prefecture.
We ask that your government stop pretending that there exists a risk-free nuclear power station or there is indeed effective assessment of safety in nuclear facilities. Instead of putting ever-more resources into upgrading old and torn nuclear facilities, we urge that your government take the lead to break the addiction to nuclear power, stop producing the long-lived, highly toxic nuclear waste, and start to rebuild a truly sustainable, self-sufficient, non-exploitative Japan that put the well-being of peoples and environments before corporate profits.
We also stand with the people of Fukushima and Japan. While your government has yet to hold those behind Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear disaster accountable, serious radiation contamination of the land and the Pacific and the atmosphere continues day after day. Gross negligence by your government poses great harm and suffering on the Japanese people and beyond. We hereby call for your government to:
1. Immediately evacuate all the people living in Fukushima, who are currently exposed to unacceptable doses of radiation and particularly children who are most vulnerable to radiation harm; and assist the people to rebuild their livelihood in a nuclear-free new homeland.
2. The Japanese government to instruct TEPCO to honestly disclose the health records of more than 18,000 (expected up to 40,000 by 2017) labor workers who have been employed, directly or by subcontractors, to clean up the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant since March 11, 2011.
3. The Japanese government to invite independent radiation health experts (independent from International Atomic Energy Agency/World Health Organization) to conduct long-term health research and monitor population health in Fukushima and areas affected by the disaster.
Let us close by remembering the words of the renowned nuclear physicist and radiation medical doctor John Gofman, “Now that we know that nuclear plants release radioactivity and kill a certain number of people, scientists who support these nuclear plants—knowing the effects of radiation—don’t deserve trials for experimentation; they deserve trials for murder.”
No Nukes!
Yours Sincerely,
Hong Kong Alliance Against Nukes