「發展」與「保育」是否註定只能平衡,不能並存?市區重建是否只能摧毀我們的歷史及文化根源?高樓大廈及商場是否發展的唯一出路?文化保育者可以如何在具體策略上抗衡這種單一的發展論述?保育行動者Ian Brownlee與
國際都會委員會的 參與者Sujata Govada會闡述市建局的重建方案如何催毀超 過100 年歷史、而且仍然運作又充滿活力的中區市集,並提出他們的保留方案如何通過保留現有建築物及公共空間,讓中區市集的文化生態得到活化,繼續孕育新一代香港人的成長。
Mr. Ian Brownlee
Director, Masterplan Limited
Dr. Sujata S. Govada
Director, Urban Design & Planning Consultants Limited
Ms. Lindsay Robertson
Co-founder, World City Committee
Mr. Amil Khan
Co-founder, World City Committee
Mr. Oren Tatcher
Principal, OTC Limited
日期: 3月12日(星期三)
時間: 晚上七時至九時
地點: 香港灣仔道133號星航資訊中心10樓A室
報名: (電郵) [email protected] (留下姓名、電話及公司/機構名稱)
查詢: (電話) 8200-6332
(電郵) [email protected]
Character and communities cannot be recreated:
Redevelopment alternatives for Graham St, Peel Street, Central and other cases
Are “development” and “conservation” a pair of natural enemy? Does development necessarily destroy our historical and cultural roots in favor of the ever-growing skyscrapers and shopping malls? Conservation activists have been saying “no” to the above, but the problem is “how”? We are pleased to invite two speakers to discuss on the alternative proposal of re-developing Peel Street, Graham Street, Central and other cases. They will talk about how current development plan by Urban Renewal Authority will lead to the irreversible loss of the vibrant heart of the old historic urban district and to the detriment of the people of Hong Kong and generations to come, and how their alternative proposals may revitalize the street market and other important areas, which have once been the heart of urban lives in Hong Kong.
Mr. Ian Brownlee
Director, Masterplan Limited
Dr. Sujata S. Govada
Director, Urban Design & Planning Consultants Limited
Ms. Lindsay Robertson
Co-founder, World City Committee
Mr. Amil Khan
Co-founder, World City Committee
Mr. Oren Tatcher
Principal, OTC Limited
Date: 12th March, 2008 (Wed)
Time: 7pm – 9pm
Venue: Unit 10A, Times Media Centre, 133 Wanchai Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Registration: (Email) [email protected]
Please leave your name, phone number and your organization/company name.
Enquiry: (Phone) 8200 6332
(Email) [email protected]