China is now preparing two major technological projects that will provide detailed surveillance information of the land and people.
"Digital China," which is written into China's 10th five year plan, will create an electronic map of the entire country. "Electronic maps of the country are only the basic framework of Digital China,'" [Wu Wenzhong] said. "It needs to be enriched with other information as much as possible, such as demographic information and ecological information... Li Chengming, research fellow with the China Survey Research Institute, showed Xinhua reporters a 3D electronic map in the proportion of 1:500 of Weihai City. The map not only shows all the city's buildings, mountains, rivers and sea coasts, but also every one of its trees and street lights. Entering the name of one of the city's residential communities gives a display of resident's personal information, including his/her birthday, state ID number and place of birth. 'The information is very helpful for policemen to safeguard social security and track down critical suspects,' Li said." From Xinhua report
Meanwhile, China is planning to launch 100 satellites in the sky by 2020 to "watch every corner of the country," according to a CCTV report. "A 'large surveying network' would be set up to monitor water reserves, forests, farmland, city construction and 'various activities of society,' a government official said. 'The aim is that, at any time and any place, we can obtain necessary data on any event through watching the Earth from space,' said Shao Liqin, an official with the Ministry of Science and Technology. From China Daily report
Source: China digital news