初中 (中一至中三/ 第七至九班學生)
高中 (中四至中七/ 第十班以上學生)
公開 (任何以上組別不適用人士)
傑出評論獎 一名 – 獎狀及獎品總值港幣三千元
優異獎 共兩名 – 各得獎狀一張
Roundtable Network創會主席
Mio Debnam
Armin Kalyanram
1. 評論使用之語言必須與被評論的作品相同
2. 參賽作品可以手寫或打字
3. 字數限制 (參賽者請列明字數)
高中及公開組 500-800字
4. 參賽者須填妥參賽表格,連同作品交到
九龍佐敦渡船街32-36 號富利來商業大廈3D室
以電郵方式傳送到[email protected]主旨註明 「Human Rights News Commentary Contest」.
1. 每人可提交的作品數目不限。如果多於一份作品合資格獲獎,參賽者只能選擇其中一份作品獲獎。
2. 國際特赦組織香港有權對參賽作品進行編輯、出版、複製和其他使用的權利。在使用作品前亦不會向參賽者支付版權費用。
3. 參賽作品必須全部為參賽者本人的原創作品,並無侵犯他人版權。
4. 參賽作品不論獲獎與否,一律不會發還。
5. 主辦單位不會為參賽作品的遺失、延誤、轉遞錯誤及損壞而負責。
6. 主辦單位保留解釋比賽規則的權利。
7. 評審團會以參賽作品的文筆、與新聞的相關程度及批判性思考的表現作出評分。
8. 主辦單位將透過電郵和電話通知得獎者。比賽結果亦會於2009年7月10日後在國際特赦組織香港網站公佈。
Entering its 13th year, the annual Human Rights Press Awards (HRPA) which is jointly organised by Amnesty International Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Journalist Association and the Foreign Correspondents’ Club, is Asia’s most prestigious awards that recognise outstanding journalists who contribute to heighten awareness of human rights issues and increase respect for the basic rights of all people. A total of 12 Award Plaques and 27 Certificates of Merits were presented this year.
Participants of the Human Rights News Commentary Contest are given the opportunity to submit a commentary on one or more of the chosen winning entries listed on www.amnesty.org.hk/html/newscommentary, reflecting their ideas and understandings of human rights. The application form can also be downloaded on the same page.
This activity aims to enhance participants’ knowledge and understanding of international affairs and human rights news exposure, develop their objectivity, and encourage participation and raise social consciousness.
Junior Secondary (Secondary 1-3, Grade 7-9)
Senior Secondary (Secondary 4, Grade 10 and above)
Public (Anyone who does not fall into the above categories)
Each category will be subdivided into Chinese and English streams.
Winners of each category will receive
Outstanding prize ×1 a certificate and prize worth HKD3,000
Merit ×2 a certificate
Simon Shen
Founding Chancellor of the Roundtable Network
Serenade Woo
Executive Committee member of Amnesty International Hong Kong, International Federation of Journalists (China and Hong Kong ) project coordinator
Mio Debnam
Writer and editor, Regional Advisor of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), Hong Kong Chapter
Armin Kalyanram
Executive Committee member of Amnesty International Hong Kong
1. The language used in the commentary should be the same as that of the piece of news being commented.
2. Commentaries can be handwritten or typewritten.
3. Word limit (Contestants please state the word count)
Junior Secondary 200-500 words
Senior Secondary and Public 500-800 words
4. Contestants should complete the entry form and return it with your commentary to our office:
Amnesty International Hong Kong 32-36 Ferry Street #3D,
Jordan (Human Rights News Commentary Contest)
If sent by mail, all entries should be postmarked by June 12, 2009 to be eligible; OR
send them by email to [email protected], stating “Human Rights News Commentary Contest” in the title.
1. Contestants can submit an unlimited number of entries. However, if more than one entry is selected, only one prize will be given to the entry winning the highest honor.
2. Amnesty International Hong Kong reserves the right to edit, publish, copy, and use the entries without royalties or any monetary rewards/compensation to the contestants.
3. The commentary must be an original work by the contestant and must not violate or infringe on the rights of any third party.
4. Entries will not be returned to contestants, regardless of the results.
5. Amnesty International Hong Kong shall not be responsible for any loss, delay, or damage to the commentaries during delivery.
6. Amnesty International Hong Kong reserves the final rights to interpretation of the rules.
7. Entries will be judged based upon writing style, relevancy with the piece of news and demonstration of critical thinking. The decisions of the judges with respect to the selection of the winner and with regard to all matters relating to this Contest shall be final.
8. The winner will be informed by e-mail and phone. The winning entries will also be published on our website after July 10, 2009.