


政府說要以可持續發展的概念發展大嶼山,但筆者未敢樂觀。這個月厎,便是大嶼山發展計劃的諮詢期便告屆滿,多個環保組織正發起聯署行動,促使政府三思而後行 (見下)。

下周一,幾個發起的環保組織會設置一個雙語網頁,讓大眾了解大嶼山所面臨的危機: www.keeplantaubeautiful.com

Lantau Development Task Force

Concept Plan for Lantau

We, the undersigned groups, wish to make a joint submission on the captioned document for which the public consultation period closes on 28 February.


We believe that that there is widespread community consensus that Lantau Island is a unique natural and national treasure. Largely untouched prior to the Airport Core Programme (ACP) projects, and latterly the Disney project, the island is a huge repository of magnificent landscape, immense bio-diversity and unique cultural heritage. Despite these intrusive projects, the remainder offers a largely intact and coherent landscape, characterized by untouched nature on a grand scale. It offers an unparalleled natural heritage for the enjoyment of this and future generations.


Lantau is already suffering the effects of over-development and the lack of conservation commitments on the part of the Administration. Severe air pollution plagues Tung Chung, the latest of our new towns. Fires periodically ravage the countryside. Valuable ecological treasures such as the Tung Chung River are destroyed, in the later case, in furtherance of a government project. Outdated Outline Zoning Plans are permitted to remain leaving the unique Coastal Protection Zone along the south Lantau coast, open to uncontrolled dumping, including from government contracts. Many sensitive and valuable areas remain outside planning controls. The North Lantau Extension Country Park, in mitigation for the damage of the ACP, remains undelivered despite promised by the Chief Executive himself in 1999. These are but examples of a failure to conserve and practice sustainable principles.

Despite this readily apparent want of care for our environment, the Concept Plan for Lantau (LCP) contains a slew of additional development proposals which will exacerbate the damage already done

Compounding the effect, is the complete failure to articulate a Conservation Plan for Lantau. The Consultation Digest is clear on the place for ‘conservation’ in the current planning process. It is merely “an important philosophy”, and not “the priority” or even “a priority”. Without conservation in the highest rank, it is simply not possible, as the Digest claims, to advance development proposals as ‘sustainable’ in the proper meaning of the word.

We believe and advocate that before proceeding with any further development. there must be drawn up and agreed a Conservation Plan for Lantau.

Full Disclosure

We believe the LCP is incomplete. The adjacent islands which formed part of the 2001 South West New Territories Development Strategy Review (SWNT DSR) , are not shown This is a serious omission, particularly in view of their conservation value and intent, and the various development proposals which are being mooted.

Container Terminal 10 (CT 10), part of a parallel consultation now underway, is a clear contender for Northwest Lantau, but has been omitted from the LCP. Given the “conceptual” status of the LCP, this omission is serious and misleading. The effect of the proposed 245 hectare reclamation would be devastating. We also observe that whilst many “concepts” are site specific, there are no links to relevant studies.

We believe that in order to engage meaningfully, there must be full and complete disclosure of relevant information.

Consultation Process

We are most concerned with the process currently adopted for deciding the future for Lantau. Some 10 months of closed door deliberations followed by 3 months of ‘Town Hall ‘public meetings, will not achieve a satisfactory outcome. . We also note that the consultation period straddles 3 significant public holidays and runs parallel with other major public consultations. The entire process needs to be revisited to allow stakeholder and expert input and vision, and to seek community acceptance.

We believe that the future of Lantau is far too important to be treated in a perfunctory manner. A new initiative is required to involve all parties in developing a coherent and sustainable vision for Lantau. The existing ‘consultation ‘should be only the start of a meaningful engagement. There is no urgency. We must get this right.


Lantau Island is a jewel in our crown which once destroyed, can never be recreated. Piecemeal economic development should have no place in the consideration. Truly sustainable strategies which are founded in conservation must be the way forward. We urge the Administration to reconsider the Concept Plan as presented, and with community involvement to develop a coherent future for Lantau which is demonstrateably sustainable.

Green Lantau Association
Living Island Movement
Clear The Air


香港經濟日報 2004-01-09 國是港事 A40

工程建不停 大嶼山哀歌



◆政府思維落後 生態岌岌危◆



