新的學年已經開始,我出任中大校長亦已經有十四個月。在過去的一年多,我的主要工作是建構一個多元的本科生組合,盡量汲納海內外的優秀學子入讀,並為他們創造更多機會以擴闊國際視野。我很高興向大家匯報自 2004 年 7 月以來這幾方面的工作成果。
自韓國、印度、印尼和馬來西亞,更有來自南非和秘魯。中大校園裡同時出現錄取自五大洲的本科新生,今年尚屬首次。 而今年我們從內地招收的新生 ,
來自十七個不同省市 : 北有遼寧,南有海南,東有山東,西有四川。比去年的十個省市 ,
本地生也好,非本地生也好,到中大來的都是精英中的精英,都是最好的學生。 今年我們透過優先錄取計劃汲納了 178
名中六尖子,人數為本地大學之冠。其中 14 名在中學會考更取得 9A 或 10A 的成績。 經大學聯合招生辦法 (簡稱聯招
)錄取的新生之中,差不多全部 (98.4%)
都以中文大學的課程為第一選擇,這比例也是所有院校之中最高的。而全港聯招成績最好的首一千名申請人中,超過一半 ( 合共 517 人 )
從內地來的新生,很多是原居省市的精英學生。根據部分省市所提供的學生排名資料,已知中大錄取的新生當中,有 30 名屬全省最高分數的 500
名考生之內, 15 名屬 100 名之內, 6 名屬 50
不管學生來自何地,只要是優秀的人才,我們都歡迎他們入讀中大,而為了確保沒有學生會因經濟條件不足而放棄前來就讀 , 我們正積極籌募更多私人捐款 , 為他們設立更多的獎學金。
為此,我們努力開拓學生交換計劃,設立更多獎學金,供中大生往外地交流。未來一年,我們會接待 613 名來自世界各地的交換生,數目比去年增加了整整
30% 。而我們接待更多到中大來的交換生,即表示有更多的中大生正在外地吸收寶貴的經驗。學生交流獎學金亦從 2004 年的 92 個,增至
2005 年的 134 個。
At the Beginning of a New Academic Year
Dear colleagues, alumni, and friends of the University:
A new academic year has begun, and I am in my 14 th month as
Vice-Chancellor of our University. Over the last year or so, one of my
major tasks has been to broaden the mix of our undergraduate student
body, to recruit top students both locally and around the world, and to
create more opportunities for our students to acquire international
perspectives. I am pleased to report some of the progress achieved in
these areas since July 2004.
A More Diversified Student Body
Last year, we greatly increased our efforts to recruit non-local
students from around the world. We also participated for the first time
in the National Unified Universities and Colleges Entrance Examination
System on the mainland. Such efforts have yielded quite satisfactory
While the majority of our new students are still from Hong Kong, this
year we have a significant contingent — some 280 non-local students —
hailing from very different cultural backgrounds with very different
life experiences. Some have come from the United States, Italy, and
Australia; others from South Korea, India, Indonesia, and Malaysia; yet
others from South Africa and Peru. For the first time ever we have had
representation in our freshman class from all five continents. New
students from the mainland come from 17 different provinces and
municipalities, up from the 10 of last year. They now come from as far
as Liaoning in the north to Hainan in the south, from Shandong in the
east to Sichuan in the west. These non-local students contribute to the
richness and diversity of our undergraduate student body, making our
campus a most exciting and vibrant place.
The High Calibre of Our New Students
We are gratified to note that our new students, local or non-local, are
the cream of the cream. Only the best have made their way here. We have
attracted a total of 178 top Secondary-6 students through the Early
Admissions Scheme, the largest number among universities in Hong Kong
this year. Some 14 of them achieved 9As or 10As in the Hong Kong
Certificate of Education Examination. Nearly all (98.4 per cent) of the
new students admitted through The Joint University Programmes Admission
System (JUPAS) have selected CUHK as their first choice, again, the
highest in Hong Kong. And of the top 1,000 JUPAS applicants, more than
50%, or 517 to be exact, have come to our University, the same number
as last year. The other seven institutions share the rest.
Among those recruited from the mainland, many are top scorers in the
National Unified Universities and Colleges Entrance Examination in
their respective provinces and municipalities. We learn from provinces
that supply information on the ranks of candidates that 30 of those
admitted to CUHK are among their top 500 candidates, 15 of them among
their top 100, 6 of them among their top 50, and one of them, from
Fujian, ranks second among arts students from the entire province.
To make sure that opportunities to study here are open to all
outstanding students, that worthy students not be prevented from coming
here for the lack of financial resources, we have put a great deal of
efforts into raising more private donations in order to set up more
scholarships for undergraduate students.
Acquisition of International Perspectives
These intelligent young men and women will no doubt learn from one
another and inspire one another. We on our part will make sure that all
CUHK students receive a holistic education, and be given ample
opportunity to expand their horizons and enrich their educational
This we do by forging more exchange agreements with overseas partner
institutions and raising more scholarships enabling our students to go
abroad for exchange. In the coming year, we look forward to receiving a
total of 613 students from our exchange partners throughout the world,
some 30% more than last year. And for every incoming exchange student
we have, there is an outgoing CUHK student gaining valuable exposure
elsewhere. The number of exchange scholarships has also been increased
significantly from 92 in 2004 to 134 in 2005.
On top of this, we have striven to bring to this campus the most
distinguished individuals: some to be the teachers and mentors of our
students, and others to give occasional public lectures and seminars.
Over the past 14 months, we have recruited pre-eminent scholars from
such prestigious universities as Oxford University, University of
California at Berkeley, and Harvard University. We have inaugurated a
Distinguished Lecture Series by Nobel Laureates, with the sponsorship
of Sun Hung Kai Properties, bringing no fewer than 10 Nobel Prize
winners to our University to present public lectures. Starting next
month, there will be a new lecture series featuring diplomats and
Consuls-General of different countries.
All these world-class scholars, researchers, statesmen, and leaders of
business and industry will introduce our students to the most
significant developments in the world of science and technology, art
and literature, business and politics. We bring the world to our
University; we help our students to experience the world.
Calling for Concerted Efforts
These are only part of our continuing efforts to nurture talent so that
they are truly bilingual and multicultural — are well-versed in Chinese
language and culture on the one hand, and equipped with international
knowledge and perspectives on the other. We want to provide our
students with an educational experience such that when they graduate,
they will be equally at home working in Hong Kong, New York or
Shanghai. There are also plans in the making to further enhance the
quality of teaching and research at our University, to consolidate our
position as a world centre for Chinese Studies, and to develop our
existing strengths in other strategic areas. I shall consult widely in
their formulation and implementation. Together we shall work towards
achieving the University's important mission, which, to quote our
founding Vice-Chancellor Dr. Choh-Ming Li, is to "combine tradition and
modernity, and to bring together China and the West".
I wish you all a very happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a most successful year ahead.
Lawrence J. Lau
17 September 2005