As usual, a labor organizer of “the Workers Center”, Mr Wong Hing Nan, distributed the leaflet of Employment Law on Labor Contract in order to help general workers to know their labor right.
One day, on 20 November, 2007, he was suddenly chased and attacked by three heinous killers with knives. His left leg was seriously damaged under this assault. And its blood vessels and muscle failed to recover and its fresh no longer grew up again.
On 24 January, 2008, the Shenzhen Public Order bureau successfully arrested five suspects including “a backstage manipulator” who own an enterprise and a factory. It is thought that the promotion of Employment Law on Contract by the Workers Centre is a main cause for provoking the factory owner to assault the labor organizer by hiring three killers.
Yesterday, in the Christmas Eve of 2008, the People’s Court at Long Gang district started to hear the trial. Before the trial, the Shenzhen Procuratorate and Public Order Bureau have issued a decision which defines the injury of Mr Wrong as“Grade six” physically handicapped and injury Yet the criminal suspect requested the court several times to reexamine the seriousness of his injury and also hired people to take photos of his daily lives secretly. At the same time Mr Wong received the news that he lost a lawsuit related to the ascertainment of work-related injury.
The trial is held in a small room with 16 seats. 60 people including workers and NGO organizers went to the court in supporting Mr Wong, but failed to have seats to hear the case. The lawyer later negotiates with the court to let hearers to hear the case. In this circumstance, the court offers two options to the plaintiff: one is to continue the trial but not allow 60 hearers to enter the court; the second is to delay the trial. The plaintiff chose the second option.
As a result, the trial is extended again and again. When does Mr Wong obtain his compensation?
Please read the chinese news,