张建红是一位著名作家、诗人、剧作家,因撰写批评政府的文章于2006年9月被捕, 2007年3月被判处6年徒刑。张建红于1980年代开始发表诗作,1989-1991年曾因参与民运活动入狱。2005年8月,他创办了文学网站《爱琴海》(http://www.aiqinhai.org/)并担任主编,2006年网站被当局封禁。在2006年被监禁之前,他经常为海外中文网站《博讯》(http://www.boxun.com)和《大纪元时报》(http://www.dajiyuan.com)撰稿。张建红在被监禁近四年后,于2010年6月5日被中国当局以保外就医释放。此前他反复要求保外就医都被拒绝,而他的健康状况现在非常危急。
独立中文笔会已从6月5日起向国际笔会及各国笔会发出有关张建红近况报告和相关信息,并收到国际笔会狱中作家委员会主席弗雷泽(Marian Botsford Fraser)女士及一些笔会负责人表示深切关注并尽力支持的回应。张建红在2007年就已成为澳洲墨尔本笔会荣誉会员,他的诗歌英译已在该笔会年会上朗诵;德国笔会在去年法兰克福书展和今年六月初召开的年会上,都朗诵了张建红诗歌的德译;美国今天已表示接受他为该会荣誉会员;瑞典笔会、苏格兰笔会、澳洲悉尼笔会、瑞士德语笔会、瑞士法语笔会、意大利的里雅斯特笔会等都将展开相关行动。
凯西·麦坎恩(Cathy McCann):cathy.mccann @ internationalpen.org.uk
独立中文笔会张裕:[email protected], [email protected]
9 June 2010
Update to RAN 35/06
CHINA: Prominent writer Zhang Jianhong (aka Li Hong) released; grave health concerns.
The Writers in Prison Committee of International PEN welcomes the release on medical parole on 5 June 2010 of prominent writer and member of the Independent Chinese PEN Centre, Zhang Jianhong. However, it is deeply troubled by reports that he is now in a critical condition in hospital, requiring intensive care and dependent on a ventilator. International PEN considers Zhang Jianhong to be convicted in violation of Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which China is a signatory. It therefore continues to call for all charges against Zhang Jianhong to be dropped, and pending this, appeals to the Chinese government to abide by its obligations to provide Zhang Jianhong with all necessary medical care immediately.
According to International PEN’s information, Zhang Jianhong has been diagnosed with muscle atrophy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a progressive degenerative disease of the central nervous system, and his condition has rapidly deteriorated in prison. Since October 2007 he has been held in Zhejiang Provincial Prison Hospital, Hangzhou, eastern China, but he is now dependant on a life support machine and requires intensive care. Zhang is unable to speak or write. Independent Chinese PEN Centre (ICPC) reports that, according to Zhang’s doctors, he is likely to remain dependent on the ventilator for the rest of his life, but that he might regain the use of his hands with rehabilitation treatment. The cost for keeping Zhang in intensive care is about 500 to 600 US$ a day, money that his family does not have. Zhang Jianhong is 52 years old.
A prominent poet, playwright and author, Zhang Jianhong (aka Li Hong) was arrested in September 2006 and sentenced in March 2007 to six years in prison for writing articles critical of the government. Zhang started publishing his poems in the 1980s, and was previously imprisoned from 1989-1991 for his pro-democracy activities. In August 2005 he founded the literary website Aiqinhai http://www.aiqinhai.org/), of which he was editor-in-chief, which was banned by the authorities in 2006. Before his 2006 incarceration, he was a regular contributor to the overseas Chinese sites Boxun (http://www.boxun.com) and The Epoch Times (http://www.dajiyuan.com). Zhang Jianhong was released by the Chinese authorities on medical parole on 5 June 2010, after spending almost four years in prison. Repeated requests for medical parole had previously been denied, and his health is now critical.
Recommended Action
Minimum action: send one appeal to the government address below
- Welcoming the release on medical parole of prominent writer Zhang Jianghong, but expressing grave concerns that he is said to be in a critical condition in hospital and dependent on a ventilator;
- Calling for all charges against Zhang Jianhong to be dropped, in accordance with Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which China is a signatory, and pending this, to provide Zhang Jianhong with all necessary medical care immediately.
Send appeals to:
His Excellency Hu Jintao
President of the People’s Republic of China
State Council
Beijing 100032
P.R. China
Please note that fax numbers are no longer available for the Chinese authorities, so you may wish to ask the diplomatic representative for China in your country to forward your appeals.
Further Action: write a similar appeal to the Chinese Ambassador in your country asking him/her to comment on your concerns.
Readings: Attached are some of Zhang Jianhong’s poems, translated into English by Yu Zhang of the Independent Chinese PEN Centre (ICPC). Centres are encouraged to organise readings of Zhang’s work, as he is now unable to express himself either by speech or writing and gains moral strength from knowing that his voice is still heard.
Consider electing Zhang Jianhong as an Honorary Member of your Centre – please let the PEN office in London know if you do so, and we will give you a case sheet and further advice on what you can do to support his case.
**Please contact the PEN WiPC office in London if sending appeals after 15 July 2010**
For further information please contact Cathy McCann at International PEN Writers in Prison Committee, Brownlow House, 50/51 High Holborn, London WC1V 6ER, Tel.+ 44 (0) 20 7405 0338, Fax: +44 (0) 20 7405 0339, email: [email protected]
Cathy McCann
Researcher, Asia/Middle East
International PEN Writers in Prison Committee
Brownlow House
50-51 High Holborn
London WC1V 6ER.
Tel.+44 (0)20 7405 0338
Fax: +44 (0)20 7405 0339
International PEN is a UK Registered Charity No. 1117088 and a Company Registered in England No. 05683997, Registered Office: Brownlow House, 50/51High Holborn, London WC1V 6ER