





參考資料:記者會:六四學生領袖周勇軍被香港政府非法押送至大陸公安 Press Conference: June 4 Student Leader Zhou Yongjun Illegally Transferred to Mainland Public Security by Hong Kong authorities



四 川 省 射 洪 县 人 民 检 察 院
起 诉 书


被告人周勇军, 曾用名: 周迓舟, 男, 生于1967年9月15日, 身份证号: 11010819670915631X, 汉族, 四川省蓬溪县人, 大学文化, 户籍所在地: 四川省蓬溪县赤诚镇南街39号3单元5号. 2009年4月10日,因涉嫌诈骗罪被深圳市公安局刑事拘留. 同年5月8日,经遂宁市人民检察院批准,被遂宁市公安局执行逮捕.

本案由遂宁市公安局侦查终结,以被告人周勇军涉嫌诈骗罪,于2009年7月7日移送遂宁市检察院审查起诉.该院指定本院审查起诉.本院受理后,依法讯问了被告人, 听取了被告人及其辩护人的意见,审查了全部案件材料.


2008年5月8日, 被告人周勇军冒用WANGXINGXIANG名义向香港恒生银行邮寄信函,要求香港恒生银行将WANGXINGXIANG存款帐户239-082258(0002)内的400万元港币转入澳大利亚汇丰银行031027915031帐户.同月19日,被告人周勇军再次冒用WANGXINGXIANG名义向香港恒生银行邮寄信函,要求香港恒生银行将WANGXINGXIANG存款账户239-082258(0002)内的200万元港币转入花旗银行香港分行897304010账户。同月24日,被告人周勇军见面前两次转款未得逞,遂再次冒用WANGXINGXIANG名义向香港恒生银行邮件信函,要求香港恒生银行将WANGXINGXIANG存款账户239-082258(0002)内的400万元港币转入澳大利亚汇丰银行031027915031账户、将200万元港币转入花旗银行香港分行897304010的账户。因与银行预留签名不符,被告人周勇军转款未得逞。









Zhou Yung Jun's Indictment (English translation)

People’s Procuratorate of Shehong County, Sichuan Province


No. SPCL (2009) 097

Defendant Zhou, Yongjun, a./k./a. Zhou, Yazhou, male, born on September 15, 1967 in Pengxi County, Sichuan Province. Zhou is an ethnic Han Chinese, and his identification number is 11010819670915631X. He received undergraduate education and his recorded address in his household registration book is Unit 3-5, 39 South St., Chicheng District, Pengxi County, Sichuan. On April 10, 2009, he was detained by Shenzhen municipal Public Security Bureau as a suspect of committing fraud. On May 8, 2009, he was arrested by Suining municipal Public Security Bureau, with the order of arrest approved by Suining People’s Procuratorate.

The investigation of this case was completed by the Public Security Bureau of Suining, and it was determined that defendant Zhou, Yongjun is suspected of committing the crime of fraud. The case was referred to Suining City People’s Procuratorate on July 7, 2009 to review for public prosecution. The City Procuratorate appoints this County Procuratorate for prosecution. This Procuratorate received the case, questioned the defendant according to the law, has heard the opinions and defense of the defendant and his representative, and reviewed all the materials pertaining to the case.

It has been determined according to the law:

On May 8, 2008, Defendant Zhou, Yongjun fraudulently used the name Wang Xingxiang to have sent a letter in to Hong Kong Hang Seng Bank, requesting the bank to transfer 4 million Hang Kong Dollars in Account 239-082258 (0002) belonging to Wang Xingxiang at the said bank into Account 031027915031 at HSBC’s Australian Branch. On May 19, 2009, Defendant Zhou, Yongjun once more fraudulently used Wang Xingxiang to have requested via a letter to Hong Kong Hang Seng Bank for a wire transfer of 2 million Hong Kong dollars from Account 239-082258 (0002) at the said bank into Account 89730410 at Citibank’s Hong Kong Branch. On May 24, 2009, since the Defendant Zhou Yongjun saw the said two transfers were unsuccessful, he once again fraudulently used the name of Wang Xingxiang to send postal letters to Hong Kong Hang Seng Bank, requesting that the bank send 4 million Hong Kong dollars in Account 239-082258 (0002) at the said bank into Account 031027915031 at HSBC’s Australian Branch and also requesting that the said bank to transfer 2 million Hong Kong dollars from the said account into Account 89730410 at Citibank’s Hong Kong Branch. Since the signatures did not match with the record, the requests were denied.

On October 1, 2008, Defendant Zhou Yongjun used a Malaysian passport with Wang Xingxiang’s name, attempted to enter Hong Kong, and was detained by Hong Kong’s Immigration Affairs Bureau.

The evidence admitted in support of the said facts includes: physical evidence, correspondence, expert opinions, testimonies from witnesses and the defendant’s personal confession, etc.

This Procuratorate has determined that Defendant Zhou Yongjun has committed fraud of public or private property, and the amount is considered very significant. The fraudulent acts has constituted the crime under Article 266 of Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China and the defendant is found to commit the crime of fraud. The expected outcomes were not fulfilled due to causes unrelated to his original intent, which conforms to Article 23 of Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China and should be considered criminal attempt. The facts pertaining to his crime are clear and recognized with the sufficient evidence and the defendant shall be prosecuted for his crime of attempted fraud. Pursuant to Article 141 of Criminal Procedural Law of the People’s Republic of China, the case shall be prosecuted according to the law.


People’s Procuratorate of Shehong County, Sichuan Province

Assistant Procurator: Hongzhi Li
Assistant Procurator: Mingzhe Lan
August 3, 2009