「釋放劉曉波」燭光晚會 "Release Liu Xiaobo" Candlelight Vigil
《零八宪章》運動 Charter 08 Campaign
日期: 2010年1月12日
時間: 19:00 - 21:00
地點: 香港立法會對開空地(向太子大廈方向)Open Area outside the Legislative Council (facing the Prince's Building)
北京作家、獨立中文筆會榮譽會長劉曉波博士於聖誕節2009月12月25日被北京市第一人民中級法院以“煽動顛覆國家政權罪”重判十一年有期徒刑,剝奪政治權利兩年,所謂罪名只是參與起草和聯署《零八憲章》及撰寫六篇評論文章。立法會議員李華明將於1月13日動議辯論“釋放劉曉波”,動議議案的內容為: “本會對中央政府以煽動顛覆國家政權罪名將劉曉波判以重刑,感到極度遺憾,並要求中央政府立即釋放劉曉波及其他異見人士;本會呼籲中央政府認同劉曉波等所倡議的《零八憲章》是代表文明社會所公認的普世價值,正面肯定《零八憲章》的理念和原則,而特區政府亦應依據此等理念和原則,在香港盡快實行雙普選。”
我們將於議案辯論前一天1月12日晚上七時至九時於香港立法會對開空地(向太子大廈方向)舉行燭光晚會,有興趣的朋友,請聯絡:潘先生(Patrick)[email protected]
- 參與團體代表發言
- 朗誦劉曉波及與劉曉波有關的詩作
- 行為藝術
- 參與人士自由發言
- 歌唱人權歌曲
學聯社會運動資源中心 (自治八樓)
"Release Liu Xiaobo" Candlelight Vigil
Date: 12 January 2010 (Tuesday)
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Venue: Open area outside the Legislative Council (facing the Prince's Building)
Dr. Liu Xiaobo, prominent Beijing writer and honorary president of the Independent Chinese PEN Centre, was sentenced by the Beijing No.1 Intermediate People's Court to 11 years' imprisonment and deprived of political rights for two years on Christmas Day (25 December 2009). The accused offence was only that Dr. Liu took part in drafting and signing the Charter 08 and writing six commentaries. Hong Kong legislative councillor Lee Wah-ming is going to table a motion "Releasing Liu Xiaobo" during the Legislative Council meeting on 13 January 2010. The wording of the motion is: "That this Council seriously regrets that the Central Government has imposed a heavy sentence on LIU Xiaobo for inciting to subvert state power, and demands that the Central Government should immediately release LIU Xiaobo and other dissidents; this Council appeals to the Central Government to recognize that Charter 08 advocated by LIU Xiaobo and others is a manifestation of the common values recognized by civilized societies and to positively affirm the concepts and principles of Charter 08, and the SAR Government should also expeditiously implement dual universal suffrage in Hong Kong according to those concepts and principles."
We are going to organize a candlelight vigil at the open area outside the Legislative Council (facing the Prince's Building) from 7pm to 9pm on 12 January 2010. For those who are interested in this activity, please contact Patrick Poon ([email protected])
- Speeches by representatives of participating organisations
- Reciting the poems written by Liu Xiaobo and poems about Liu Xiaobo
- Action art performance
- Free speeches by participants
- Singing human rights songs
On the other hand, we will continue to collect signatures to "Demand immediate release of Liu Xiaobo" and "Supporting the Charter 08" from 1pm to 6pm on 10 January 2010 (Sunday) at Jardine Bazaar in Causeway Bay.
Participating organisations:
Independent Chinese PEN Centre
Hong Kong Chinese PEN Centre
Hong Kong Journalists Association
International Federation of Journalists
Amnesty International
Hong Kong University Students' Union
Hong Kong Christian Institute
China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group
Justice and Peace Commission of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese
HKFS Social Movement Resource Centre (smrc autonomous8a)
Hong Kong Alliance In Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China
Laogai Research Foundation
(Welcome other organisations to join us)