「愛,超越」--- 情愛小衆分享會
四位「愛,超越」分享會的家賓:男兒身,女兒心(正在準備接受男變女變性手術),又情繫女子的「女同志」;自稱Bi的中學男生;積極為同性戀者發聲的性別研究博士生;還有一位喜歡視覺藝術、攝影及浪漫的軟性TB,將和各位分享他們在情路上的種種經歷。此外,司徒薇博士 (港大比較文學系助理教授)將會參與討論。
是次分享會由「學生發展及資源中心 - 輔導及心理培育(組)」和HKqUeer Campus合辦。
Diversity of Love: Love Beyond Boundaries
Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS) - Counselling for HKU and Public
Reflect on what true love means to you through hearing the life stories of our guest speakers who will share with you their personal experiences in having same-sex, bisexual or transgendered relationship. Dr. Mirana May Szeto (司徒薇博士), Assistant Professor from the School of Humanities (Comparative Literature), will join the discussion.
Date/Time 28/02/2008 17:30-19:30
Venue Rm. 101, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre, HKU
Language Cantonese (English interpretation is available.)
Contact Information
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Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact Student Advisor Enid Fung by email at [email protected] or by phone at 28578382.