「亞洲新星導」-第一CUT系列(四)《瘋狂的石頭》 /“FOCUS: First Cuts-First Window Series”#4 Crazy Stone
合辦︰映藝娛樂有限公司 /Co-presented
with: Focus Films
/China /2006 /彩色 /Col /Beta / 90 mins
普通話對白,英文字幕 /In Mandarin with English Subtitles
導演:寧浩 /Dir: Ning Hao
演員: 郭濤、劉剛、黃渤、連晉/Actor: Guo Tao, Liu
Gang, Huang Bo, Lian Jin
日期及時間 /Date &Time: 18/03 2pm#
地點:Agnès b. 電影院 /Venue: Agnès b. CINEMA!
免費入場 /Free admission##
A factory worker discovers a precious
stone accidentally in the factory. When
the factory keeper exhibits it in a hall, it entices the gangsters, the mob to come
who squeeze the juice of their brains of getting the stone. Bao, the loyal factory worker who voluntarily
takes over the security job in the hall, also plays lots of tricks against the
thieves for protecting the stone. Every
one of their actions is tied in a net of causes and effects, which will
ultimately lead them to a surprising ending.
參考網頁 /Reference website: www.focusfirstcuts.com
# 設映後討論會 /With post-screening discussion
## 如欲索取入場票,請於2月27日開始登入 www.focusfirstcuts.com 網上登記。數量有限,每人一票,先到先得。 /Please kindly
register at www.focusfirstcuts.com for tickets.
The registration will begin on 27 Feb.
Tickets are limited, first-come-first-served.
此放映為毛片版本,敬請留意。 /Please note that
this is the rough cut version of the film.