「站在世界背後─賈樟柯」節目《世界》放映版本應為138min版,前四場 (12/5(Thu) 7:30pm / 15/5(Sun) 4:00 pm / 20/5 (Fri) 7:30 pm / 21/5 (Sat) 7:30 pm).錯誤放映109min版,謹為此致歉。
27/5(Fri) 7:30 pm
28/5(Sat) 4:00 pm
29/5(Sun) 4:00 pm
2/6 (Thu) 7:30 pm
查詢熱線(Mon – Fri / 10am-6pm): 2582 0273 / 2582-0268
A Brave New World of Jia Zheng Ke
The screening version of the film The World, part of the programme "A Brave New World of Jia Zhangke", should have been the 138 minutes version, instead of the 109 minutes version shown at the four previous screenings (12/5(Thu) 7:30pm / 15/5(Sun) 4:00 pm / 20/5 (Fri) 7:30 pm / 21/5 (Sat) 7:30 pm).
For those who had purchased tickets for the first four screenings, you may bring the stub of your ticket and attend one of the remaining four screenings
27/5(Fri) 7:30 pm
28/5(Sat) 4:00 pm
29/5(Sun) 4:00 pm
2/6 (Thu) 7:30 pm
where the 138 minutes version will be shown, for free.
(Ushers will not return the stub of the ticket after admission)
We sincerely apologize about the error and for the inconvenience caused.
Enquiry Hotline (Mon – Fri / 10am-6pm): 2582 0273 / 2582-0268
Hong Kong Arts Centre Programme Department