“The Ins and Outs of Sex Work and the Law” –Exploring the legal frameworks in different countries
“千言萬語—性工作與法律” - 探討不同國家對性工作的規管和法律條文
Date : 22/10/2006 (SUN)
日期: 22/10/2006 (星期日)
Time: 9:00a.m. to 6:00p.m.
時間: 上午9:00 至下午6:00
Venue: City University of Hong Kong, 4/F, Academic building LT 10
地點: 香港城市大學, 教學樓4樓LT 10
FEE: HKD$100 (HK$50 for full-time students)
費用: 港幣100元正,全日制學生為港幣50元正
Speakers: Sex workers, legal and policy advocates and researchers from England, Germany, New Zealand, Sweden, Australia and Hong Kong
講者: 來自英國、德國、紐西蘭、瑞典、澳洲及香港參與倡議法例改革之研究員及性工作者團體之代表,以及香港一些政治團體及政黨的代表。
Content: Dialogue on legal and policy reforms that advance sex worker rights; the international exchange of ideas and experience sharing among experts in sex work from different parts of the world.
內容: 分享各地倡議法例改革的經驗及策略,推動爭取性工作者權利的運動,開拓本土和海外研究性工作的專家對話的空間,交換彼此成功及失敗的經
Registration and enquiry : 23327182 or E-mail: ziteng@hkstar.com
報名及查詢: 23327182或E-mail: ziteng@hkstar.com