【聲援 Pussy Riot 譴責普京政府 釋放所有政治犯 結束一人專政 】
今天社民連到灣仔俄羅斯總領事館聲援 Pussy Riot ,以下是行動聲明:
世界盃決賽上演期間,俄羅斯龐克樂隊 Pussy Riot 身穿警察制服,衝進球場內,當著全世界向普京抗議,並提醒世界-2018世界盃實際是在一極權國家上演。
Pussy Riot 成員積極參與對普京政府極權統治的反對運動。2012年,Pussy Riot 成員闖莫斯科大教堂高唱諷刺普京連任的歌曲,後有三名成員被判,其中主唱被判囚近兩年;2014年索契冬奧期間,Pussy Riot 成員以「快閃形式」批評打壓異見人士,更被俄警暴力對待,甚至以馬鞭鞭打。
而 Pussy Riot 是次於世界盃決賽,更直斥極權政府以「莫須有」罪名,肆意拘禁異見者,其中包括烏克蘭導演 Oleg Sentsov-被誣陷「策劃恐怖活動罪」而被判囚20年,又有人權組織成員被誣以藏毒、兒童色情等罪名。Pussy Riot 成員穿上警察制服,以當天正值逝世11周年的俄國詩人 Dmitriy Prigov 筆下之「地上警察」(Earthly Policeman)及「天堂警察」(Heavenly Policeman)為喻,猛烈批評俄羅斯國家機器。
因衝入世盃賽場,Pussy Riot 成員4人已被判囚15天。而他們提出的要求,包括「釋放所有政治犯」、「停止以『莫須有』罪名檢控異見者」等,於港人而言絕不陌生,甚至每天都在中國內地發生,亦正蔓延至香港。而且,Pussy Riot 過去亦有關注香港民主運動,包括聲援香港雨傘運動、聲援「13+3」等。我們同樣面對極權壓逼,因此當與 Pussy Riot 站在一起,抗議極權政府肆意打壓異見者!
【In Support of Pussy Riot and Condemnation of the Putin Government
Free all Political Prisoners and End the One-Man Dictatorship!】
During the World Cup Final, Russian punk rock group Pussy Riot emerged on-field in police uniforms, protesting against Putin and reminding the world of the terrors of totalitarianism taking place where the 2018 FIFA World Cup was held.
Members of Pussy Riot have been actively engaging in movements against Putin's totalitarian government. In 2012, they burst into Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Saviour to perform a sarcastic song about Putin’s continuation of office, resulting in arrests of and charges against three members, one of which being sentenced to imprisonment for almost two years. During the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, members of Pussy Riot appeared as a flash mob to criticise oppressors of dissidents and ended up treated with violent measures by the Russian police, including the outrageous use of the horsewhip.
In the recent protest in the 2018 World Cup Final, Pussy Riot denounced the Russian government for its unnecessary and unreasonable arrests of dissidents, including Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov (who was convicted to 20 years in jail for “plotting terrorist acts”) and members of human rights organisations charged with drug- and child-pornography-related crimes. Members of Pussy Riot appeared in police uniforms and strongly condemned the Russian state machine in allegory to Russian poet Dmitriy Prigov's “Earthly Policeman” and “Heavenly Policeman”.
Due to their storm into the football pitch, four members of Pussy Riot have already been jailed for 15 days. Their demands, including, for example, “free all political prisoners” and “stop fabricating criminal cases and jailing people on remand for no reason”, are obviously no strangers to us, the people of Hong Kong. Outrageous happenings even occur every single day in China and are spreading to Hong Kong. Pussy Riot has been attentive to the democratic movement in Hong Kong, supporting the Umbrella Movement and the “13+3”. While we are facing the same threats of totalitarianism and oppression, we must hence stand together with Pussy Riot to condemn totalitarian and oppressive governance!
We hereby demand the following from the Russian government:
1. Free all political prisoners;
2. Stop illegal arrests and stop fabricating criminal cases and jailing people for no reason;
3. Allow political competition and end the one-man dictatorship!
League of Social Democrats
Sports Commune
19th July 2018